Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
MyCollab_5.3.4 2016-06-24
MyCollab_5.3.3 2016-06-08
MyCollab_5.3.2 2016-05-27
MyCollab_5.3.1 2016-05-18
MyCollab_5.3.0 2016-05-18
MyCollab_5.2.12 2016-04-19
MyCollab_5.2.11 2016-04-06
MyCollab_5.2.10 2016-03-31
MyCollab_5.2.9 2016-03-15
MyCollab_5.2.8 2016-03-01
Previous Versions 2016-02-18
README.md 2016-06-07 37.7 kB
Totals: 12 Items   37.7 kB 2

Release Notes

MyCollab is an open source Collaboration Platform of Project Management, CRM and Document.

MyCollab is licensed under the Affero GPLv3 terms.

You can checkout our latest development source codes at https://github.com/esofthead/mycollab

For further information, please visit:

Contact the MyCollab team at:

System requirements

MyCollab requires a running Java Runtime Environment (7 or greater), Java command should be presented in PATH environment and MySQL (InnoDB support recommended).

Please have a look at MyCollab requirements


  1. Download MyCollab Binary File mycollab-x.xxx-dist
  2. Follow installation guideline at https://community.mycollab.com/docs/hosting-mycollab-on-your-own-server/frequently-questions-and-answers/
  3. If you already installed MyCollab and you want to upgrade to MyCollab latest version, this link https://community.mycollab.com/docs/hosting-mycollab-on-your-own-server/upgrade-mycollab-manually/ will instruct steps to make your bug easily

If you want to understand more MyCollab advanced configuration settings, please visit the link https://community.mycollab.com/docs/hosting-mycollab-on-your-own-server/advanced-configuration/. You will finish reading and understanding in a matter of minutes.

Last changelog

Version 5.3.3

Library Upgrades

  • Joda Time 2.9.4
  • Jackson 2.6.6
  • Other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • Allow to customize the report fields in the project module
  • Allow project member can set time for task and issue
  • Apply the date formats in report and tooltip
  • Support localization for languages easier
  • Support running MyCollab as startup scripts in Linux OS
  • Allow the site owner can allow other users can not see email
  • Other improvements

Bug Fixes

  • [Premium] Time-log window causes error in several special cases
  • Can not search projects in the project list view
  • Timezone on several date fields are not correct
  • Not check validate dates in the issue entry
  • Upload project favicon does not work with Java 7
  • Can not change the timezone in the user profile view in several cases

Version 5.3.2

Library Upgrades

  • Spring framework 4.2.6.RELEASE
  • MySQL Connector 5.1.39
  • Jetty 9.2.17.v20160517
  • Jsoup 1.9.2
  • Other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • Support DLS in timezone setting
  • Revise the invitation process simpler
  • Remove redundant libraries to reduce the download size
  • Other minor improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Several email providers can not send email (Yahoo and several company email providers)
  • Return from forgot password throws error

Version 5.3.1

Library Upgrades

  • Vaadin 7.6.6
  • Other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • [Community] Allow site administrator can change the site basic information
  • Add the new task navigation buttons
  • Add the new issue navigation buttons
  • Site administrator can define the default timezone, language, date formats
  • Do not limit the supported languages
  • Display the custom date format of account in all form fields
  • General performance improvement
  • Other minor improvements

Bug Fixes

  • [Premium] Not edit hours in time edit window can cause the system error

Version 5.3.0

Library Upgrades

  • Mybatis 3.4.0, Mybatis spring 1.3.0
  • Jetty 9.2.16.v20160414
  • Quartz 2.2.3
  • Vaadin 7.6.5
  • Hiraki CP 2.4.6
  • Other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • [Premium] Add views to manage projects/tasks and time of client
  • [Premium] Print invoice page
  • [Premium] Allow attachment in the invoice form
  • [Premium] Allow attachment in the risk form
  • Allow site owner create the admin user instead of system default user
  • Create sample project for the new MyCollab installation
  • Add the context help for project forms
  • Change the issue workflow similar than Bugzilla
  • Allow to edit description in file management
  • Allow user add attachments in phase form
  • Revise the bug workflow in the kanban view
  • General performance improvement in project module
  • Other minor improvements

Bug Fixes

  • [Premium] Report url resolver redirect to the user dashboard when browser page reload
  • [Premium] Standup url resolver redirect to the user dashboard when browser page reload
  • [Premium] It is difficult to quick edit value of popup field
  • Clean resources properly when user signout MyCollab
  • Get following items return the wrong list in several cases
  • Tooltip still show after mouse over event occurs
  • Can not preview image file which has special characters

Version 5.2.12

Library Upgrades

  • Cglib 3.2.2
  • Other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • [Premium] Allow uploading client logo
  • Allow uploading project logo
  • Can adjust the parent-child relationship of tasks
  • New Project list view
  • Adjust the java memory settings
  • Other minor improvements

Bug Fixes

  • [Premium] Can not print client page
  • Can not modify basic properties of kanban columns
  • Several cases of bug dependencies do not work as expected
  • Can not upload/rename the file include the special Unicode characters

Version 5.2.11

Library Upgrades

  • Joda Time 2.9.3
  • Mybatis spring 1.2.5
  • Other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • [Premium] Export timesheet into PDF and Excel
  • [Premium] Edit overtime field of time tracking
  • Optimize dependency libraries to reduce the distribution file
  • Support print function
  • Slightly change the JVM settings
  • Other minor improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Report still throws error in some machines due to the order of loading jar files. This version remove this issue completely.

Version 5.2.10

Library Upgrades

  • Hiraki CP 2.4.5
  • Other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • [Premium] Invoice management in project
  • [Premium] Favorite view in project
  • [Premium] Project members can enter overtime hours per assignment
  • [Premium] Add 'Can read financial data' permission in project
  • [Premium] Tag management supports for components and versions
  • [Premium] Favorites management support for components and versions
  • [Premium] Can calculate the financial data in timing view
  • Support install MyCollab as windows service
  • Other minor improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Form display badly when the field shows long text
  • Can not export pdf report at the first time
  • File management is more stable
  • Re-invite user does not update the latest user information
  • Project Member still receive his watched items updates though he leaved the project already

Version 5.2.9

Library Upgrades

  • Vaadin 7.6.4
  • Spring framework 4.2.5.RELEASE
  • Jackrabbit 2.12.1
  • Jetty 9.2.15.v20160210
  • Flyway 4.0
  • Commons Collection 3.2.2
  • Other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • [Premium] Tag management is supported
  • [Premium] Project client management is added
  • [Premium] Support tag for phase and risk
  • New user group for task and bug views
  • Allow to change color column of Kanban board
  • Improve error handling page mechanism
  • Other minor improvements

Bug Fixes

  • [Premium] Display wrong list of history fields in several special cases
  • [Premium] Save the new project throws error
  • Rename option column may cause the error in trending chart
  • Websocket timeout error

Version 5.2.8

Improvements & New Features

  • [Premium] Revise the Calendar view
  • Support project template
  • Add 'Won't Fix' status to bug workflow
  • Other minor improvements

Bug Fixes

  • [Premium] Export project timelog is failed
  • Delete the selected resource is failed

Version 5.2.7

Library Upgrades

  • Vaadin 7.6.3
  • MyBatis 3.3.1
  • Other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • Display issues, risks in Gantt chart besides tasks, milestones as well
  • Several minor improvements
  • Add lead field to the project
  • Display delete action in the activity stream
  • Enhance and improve stability of Gantt chart
  • Improve the stability of upgrade process on Windows
  • [Premium] Support calendar event types are issues, risks, milestones

Bug Fixes

  • [Mobile] Throws silent exception when display the empty activities in account
  • Throws exception when assign the Project Owner role to the existing user
  • Not display deleted entries in the activity stream

Version 5.2.6

Library Upgrades

  • Jetty 9.2.14.v20151106
  • Other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • Lighter email template
  • Send overdue assignments email
  • Notify project members when the new member join

Bug Fixes

  • Can not assign user as the account owner
  • Can not load fonts of reporting
  • [Premium] Display events with no project throws exception
  • [Mobile] Can not redirect the login view when the obsolete password id stored in the local storage

Version 5.2.5

Library Upgrades

  • Vaadin 7.6.1
  • Other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • The new mobile UI revised
  • Minor UI improvements
  • Improve error handling

Bug Fixes

  • None

Version 5.2.4

Library Upgrades

  • Gson 2.5, Guava 19, Jackrabbit 2.11.3, Spring framework 4.2.4.RELEASE
  • Other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • Add upcoming tasks in the project dashboard
  • Customize color of task statuses in kanban board
  • Display detail watchers in the sidebar
  • The new project dashboard
  • Improve theme compatibility
  • Several minor improvements

Version 5.2.3

Library Upgrades

  • Joda 2.9.1, Hiraki CP 2.4.2, SLF4J 1.7.13
  • Spring framework 4.2.3.RELEASE
  • Dynamic Reports 4.0.2

Improvements & New Features

  • Allow inline edit task, milestone and bug summary field in dashboard view
  • Minor UI updates

Bug Fixes

  • Upgrade process still keeps the old version value of class path items

Version 5.2.2

Library Upgrades

  • Joda 2.9
  • Quartz 2.2.2
  • Http component 4.4.4, other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • Add timeline tracking chart
  • Major UI updates includes animations, consistent UI controls and colors
  • Detect more potential issues of installation and give the solutions to users

Bug Fixes

  • Fix several issues of push events in the corporate networks
  • Advanced user layout does not keep values of the simple user layout
  • Pretty time text is wrong with several timezones

Version 5.2.1

Library Upgrades

  • Spring framework 4.2.2.RELEASE and others

Improvements & New Features

  • Predefined query for tasks, bugs
  • Allow user rename or delete column in the task kanban board
  • Do minor UI improvements
  • Validate the file permission in the installation script
  • Add shutdown script to allow admin can shutdown MyCollab properly
  • The new modal window
  • Faster form binding and improve the performance a little bit
  • Autofill username and password for the login form
  • Allow user can switch from push to poll method if their network proxy prohibit the push method

Bug Fixes

  • Wrong user avatar of assignments in project roadmap view
  • Validate date constraints of entity is wrong in several cases
  • Calendar information is not refresh if the new set is empty
  • Update search query is not effected

Version 5.2.0

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Gson 2.4, HirakiCP 2.4.1 and more

Improvements & New Features

  • Make bug management is easier
  • Introduce the new roadmap view
  • Introduce the calendar of tasks management

Bug Fixes

  • Word-wrap title for long text of several views
  • Task duration calculating with timezone

Version 5.1.4

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Vaadin 7.5.7
  • Upgrade Hiraki CP 2.3.11, Hibernate Validator 5.2.2 and others

Improvements & New Features

  • Gantt chart bug fixes
  • Calculating end date by start date and duration
  • Toggle project menu in MS Edge, Firefox is not effective
  • Other minor UI improvements
  • A lot of reporting enhancements: better layout, more detail information, font awesome and more
  • New installer tool, clean release notes and license view

Bug Fixes

  • Can not change the role of project member
  • Several minor bug fixes of reporting

Version 5.1.3

Library Upgrades

  • Vaadin 7.5.5
  • Spring framework 4.2.1.RELEASE
  • Scala 2.11.7, Jackson 2.6.2

Improvements & New Features

  • Reduce the startup time
  • Several minor UI improvements
  • Support task predecessors
  • Edit inline on Gantt chart
  • Many Gantt chart improvements
  • Site response is faster by using the proper server push
  • More reliable upgrade process

Bug Fixes

  • Has redundant scrollbar on internet explorer
  • Navigate folder by clicking file breadcrumb throws exception in several cases
  • Notification setting minimal may cause can not send email
  • Better diagnosis error message to the end users

Version 5.1.2

Improvements & New Features

  • Menu navigator is easy to understand for geeks
  • Improve the product layout general

Bug Fixes

  • Search in project throws error
  • Remove redundant warning message of permission when user access the profile page

Version 5.1.1

Library Upgrades

  • Jackson library 2.6.1, DynamicReports 4.0.1, MyBatis 3.3.0, Spring 4.2.0.RELEASE, Infinispan 7.2.4
  • Vaadin 7.5.3
  • JQuery 2.1.4

Improvements & New Features

  • New kanban board for project tasks, bugs
  • Update attachment display
  • Generate thumbnail for images
  • Update the task management workflow to remove the task group !!!
  • Reduce the time response for heavy loading page
  • Improve Gantt chart

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes of file module
  • Can not download file folder
  • The bug widgets do not refresh when bug status changed
  • Can not display tooltip of CRM bug
  • Upload files do not show the progress properly

Version 5.1.0

Library Upgrades

  • Spring framework upgrade to 4.1.7.RELEASE, Infinispan, MySQL Connector

Improvements & New Features

  • Redesign the email template
  • Can resend the invitation
  • Optimize Vaadin widgetsets
  • Remove Camel library and reduce the number of threads daemons
  • Reduce chart generator memory footprint
  • Theme color consistent fixed
  • Add outlook smtp help message
  • Many minor UI improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Fix gzip response since the version 5.0.10 uses Jetty 9.3 deprecate servlet gzip filter
  • Can not change the default port 8080 on Windows
  • MyCollab can not run with Java 7
  • Can not run MyCollab in some rare cases due to the order of service beans is not controlled
  • Refresh page of bug list and gantt view shows internal error

Version 5.0.10

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.5.0
  • Upgrade other libraries: Tika

Improvements & New Features

  • Make the UI more consistent and minor UI improvements
  • Other general improvements

Bug Fixes

  • System error when user accept the project invitation with project owner role
  • Modal window overlays on tooltip

Version 5.0.9

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.4.8
  • Upgrade libraries: AspectJ, Jetty, MyBatis, Joda-Time, etc

Bug Fixes

  • User can not upload non english file name document
  • Proper handling system roles
  • The resource paths still throw error in several cases
  • Email notification could be sent multiple times to the recipients
  • Some assets has wrong paths

Version 5.0.8

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.4.7
  • Upgrade libraries: HirakiCP, Jackrabbit, Commons-Email, Jetty

Improvements & New Features

  • Parse html better, display rich html text smoothly
  • Improve code quality overall
  • Optimize the hash query and improve the site performance a little bit
  • Revise the Gantt chart display
  • Remove redundant assets and libraries to reduce the size of downloaded file size
  • Support send email via StartTls or Ssl/Tls protocols

Bug Fixes

  • Search project may throw exception in some special case
  • Export report document is sometimes failed
  • Upload file in page editor throws exception
  • Add a new project page throws exception
  • Fix several bugs relate to Gantt chart
  • Display the new user information when user re-login by another account
  • Fix missing assets in email template
  • Some views can not display well on internet explorer browser
  • Crm menu does not refresh if user logout then login with two different accounts

Version 5.0.7

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.4.6
  • Upgrade other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • Revise the runner process. Important for auto upgrade feature
  • Remove redundant images assets
  • Change the default cdn url
  • Change the default browser cache of vaadin
  • Add context support for project
  • Improve sending email with various SMTP settings
  • Add warning message if user ask retrieve password without configuring SMTP (#fix per user's feedback)

Bug Fixes

  • Minor bug fixes on IE browsers when user press button
  • Email subject of bug group has project name is null

Version 5.0.6

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • Redirect to the server host instead localhost after installing successfully
  • Minor change in bug display
  • Add help menu in view
  • More comprehensive message to instruct user understand field value better
  • Request user change username for the first time login after installation
  • Increase the size of database connection pool to 50 for heavy load sites
  • Improve the build process

Bug Fixes

  • Display the error message when user upgrade MyCollab failed due to the file permission
  • Did not display detail error message when validate form but the empty string
  • Install MyCollab in Internet Explorer has several issues


Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.4.5

Improvements & New Features

  • Revise the notification window to makes it looks nicer

Bug Fixes

  • Can not send email in port different 25 in several cases
  • Fix log location
  • Exception when get the default user avatar

Version 5.0.5

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.4.4
  • Upgrade other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • Revise CRM comments and history features to make it similar than project module
  • Revise the layout of CRM module
  • Display comment in CRM activity stream
  • Support font awesome in emails
  • Minor bug fixes in reporting
  • Cache reflection fields hence upgrade the app performance up to 5%
  • Add time summary for bug group, milestone, component, version views
  • Allow system admin can change the SMTP setting on the fly
  • Enable gzip compression for assets by default
  • Replace the old log4j library by logback

Bug Fixes

  • Checkbox in Chrome, IE has the unintended border
  • Other minor CSS issues on IE, Firefox

Version 5.0.4

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.4.3
  • Upgrade Jetty Server version
  • Upgrade other libraries

Improvements & New Features

  • Auto update the new MyCollab version
  • Ask system admin or warn users need to set up smtp setting for features which need to send email
  • The new project file module
  • Revise the application variable scopes
  • Support quick review with instant tooltip
  • Revise the bug list display
  • Minor improve on page view
  • Display uploaded file size
  • Add detail information for uploaded file in tooltip
  • Display the friendly timezone name in tooltip

Bug Fixes

  • The default created time of user should match with the default timezone
  • The empty list view of bug, component and version has the horizontal scrollbar
  • Fix links of MyCollab document

Version 5.0.3

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.4.2
  • Upgrade other libraries: Spring framework, Jackrabbit, SLF4J etc


  • Easier to navigate among projects
  • Add search of generic assignments to project
  • Revise and do several bug fixes the file module
  • Support tooltip for multi select component
  • Display pretty time on label and detail date tooltip
  • Add description for the project generic assignment
  • Revise the invite project member view

Bug Fixes

  • Edit project member throws exception
  • Display bug context menu properly according to coordination of mouse
  • Can not change the project information
  • Correct year format of contact birthday
  • Prevent the issue of can not view bug or bug because the project short name is invalid
  • Do not display year in birthday combo box

Version 5.0.2

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.4.1
  • Upgrade other libraries


  • Add help message for project views

Bug Fixes

  • Template select the default locale if the user locale is not existed
  • The activity stream service throws exception when saving project page in several special cases
  • Export project page include the title in the document
  • Saving comment may throw exception in several cases
  • Email notification for the created item does not display the detail of information

Version 5.0.1

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade libraries version


  • Optimize SQL query and there are some processes are 2x faster !!!
  • Add custom notifiers
  • Support default button in windows
  • Improve search result of bug list
  • Support tag for tasks, bugs
  • User is able to manage the favorites
  • User is able to select the notifiers when he creates the new bug
  • Display number of items in the search panel
  • Support tooltip for project message widget
  • Screen navigator works more efficiently
  • Add more strictly validation constraint to project bug

Bug Fixes

  • Attachment box in Safari display wrongly
  • Query project member tasks show wrong items
  • Query project roles did not work
  • Export bug list to document throws exception
  • Can not sending email in several cases

Version 5.0.0

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.3.10
  • Upgrade Spring frameworks to 4.1.5.RELEASE
  • Upgrade several Vaadin addons
  • Upgrade all libraries up-to-date, there are few name are Infinispan, Apache commons, etc


  • Check the latest version notification
  • Replace icons by font awesome
  • Revise bug group layout
  • Support sub tasks for project bug
  • Simplify application configuration (for developers) to utilize convention over configuration
  • Using Scala for several back-end components such as scheduler
  • Allow assign user in bug view
  • Allow deselect assignee in bug or bug
  • Revise project and crm views
  • Revise the related bug relationship
  • Remove redundant css elements
  • Fix layout issues in the Internet Explorer browsers

Bug Fixes

  • Load the empty list of projects throws error in some special cases
  • Internal issue causes the lazy views load infinitely
  • Save crm call throws exception
  • Update time logging but not update the project information immediately
  • Tooltip of several entities do not display properly
  • Time logging display the double value wrongly some times
  • Gantt chart display to miss the last day of bug
  • Default permission of guest role is wide open

Version 4.5.5

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.3.5
  • Upgrade HirakiCP to 2.2.5
  • Upgrade Jackson to 2.4.4
  • Upgrade Infinispan to 7.0.2
  • Upgrade several Vaadin addons


  • Add user comment to the activity stream

Bug Fixes

  • Display the activity stream in CRM dashboard may show the duplicated items
  • Not thread safe when saving bugs, tasks
  • Navigate user account throws exception
  • Display full comment content are enclosed with crm note

Version 4.5.4

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Spring framework to 4.1.2.RELEASE
  • Upgrade HirakiCP to 2.2.4
  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.3.4
  • Upgrade AspectJ library to 1.8.4


  • Make the right widgets fly over when user scroll to the bottom in the bug list view
  • Revise Task, Bug, Risk, Problem, Milestone read views
  • [Mobile] Make the back button associates to native back action to improve the navigation performance
  • [Mobile] Support thumbnail for attachment
  • [Mobile] User can preview attachment easily
  • [Mobile] Support display hyperlinks for assignee, bug, bug group, milestone etc
  • [Mobile] Revise time logging component
  • [Mobile] Revise the mobile toolbar display
  • [Mobile] Replace icons for better UI experience

Bug Fixes

  • Fix timezone issue for datefield component
  • Can not send email if user switch to the locale not in the supported list
  • Can not get the log date for time logging in several rare browsers
  • [Mobile] Back button does not work properly
  • [Mobile] View title is not aligned center in iOS
  • [Mobile] Can only upload one file in iOS

Version 4.5.3

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade AspectJ library to 1.8.3


  • The new MyCollab mobile is released! This is the alpha release, use it at your own risk.
  • All description supports rich text
  • Clean html in rich text to help html display html string correctly
  • Display the crm activity stream properly when there is several items user can not access
  • Display attachments in thumbnail mode
  • Allow users can search in their following ticket list

Bug Fixes

  • Custom layout throws NPE
  • Fix NPE when user navigate the project time tracking list
  • Throws error if user save the empty page content
  • Minor fixes in set the overdue title colors in project and crm items
  • Error when user upload the invalid file name

Version 4.5.2

Library Upgrades

  • Upgrade Spring framework to 4.1.1.RELEASE
  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.3.3
  • Upgrade Camel to 2.14.0

New Features

  • Make the new MyCollab installer for every platform: Windows, MacOS, Linux
  • Install MyCollab as window service
  • The new notification to remind user upload his avatar if he did not


  • Remove unused libraries for the community edition such as Dropbox, Solr to reduce the size of installer
  • Tweak the error handling while init view
  • Refactor the file module management
  • Add more unit tests for crm, content, project services and use assertj instead of standard junit assert statements
  • Revise the localization and date format associate to locale. It helps external developers can translate MyCollab to other languages easily
  • Refactor the test module, using assertJ and JUnit TestRule instead of the custom JUnitClassRunner to make unit tests more flexible in enhancements
  • Remove remote resources in setup assets. User can install MyCollab in their LAN network, we do not need an internet connection requires
  • Remove the warning message of Jackrabbit

Bug Fixes

  • Project Notification can not be sent in several special cases
  • Minor bug fixes and new features for mobile edition
  • Can not save audit log in several special cases
  • Search time logging throws exception in several special input cases
  • Fix NPE exception when there is several options has null value
  • Minor bug fixes for file module
  • Fix issue of can not reload the web context when we upgrade Jetty to 9.2.3
  • Fix migration scripts could be failed with several MySQL versions

Version 4.5.1


  • Upgrade Spring framework to 4.1.0.RELEASE
  • Upgrade Vaadin libraries
  • Adding scheduler unit tests
  • Project page could be exported into pdf format
  • Project time logging is displayed in multiple layouts
  • User can add comment to project component and project version
  • Validate project shortname is unique in account
  • Make links of bug and bug are readable
  • Add tooltip to pretty time display

Bug Fixes

  • Save bug in bug read view throws exception
  • Inconsistent time logging permission
  • Throws exception if user saves an empty search criteria
  • Return redundant bug element for empty bug list
  • Switch view causes the right widget in bug, bug display in the wrong position

Version 4.5.0


  • Upgrade libraries versions
  • Revise project time tracking view
  • Support version management in project page
  • Support date format associate to user's locale
  • Break mobile app into 2 sub apps: CRM and Project Management
  • Reload site after user change information to make this change is applied immediately
  • Improve error handling in event bus implementation
  • The project time tracking views support multiple views
  • Create the default bug group when user create the new project
  • Support more search criteria for bug
  • Support display inline more image file types different than jpg/png

Bug Fixes

  • Page path is cached across projects
  • Milestone simple view display wrongly
  • Display date time field correctly with user custom timezone
  • Can not display username in phase detail view if the display name is empty
  • Log user is removed when user update bug status
  • Can not trace activity when user update several kinds of items

Version 4.4.0


  • Add new page composer in project module
  • Allow users can archive project
  • Revise milestone list view to allow user can edit, delete milestone
  • Revise invite project member that displays user avatar in suggested list
  • Display total open bugs, due bugs in bug dashboard
  • Clean user session resources properly
  • Optimize image sizes

Bug Fixes

  • Tooptip use the default system language instead of user defined language
  • Component and Version do not show the marker of complete right
  • Ambiguous email field search criteria in CRM account search page
  • Project permissions are cached across projects
  • Show project permissions wrongly in Japanese locale

Version 4.3.3


  • Update Japanese localization
  • Update mobile module
  • Support chart localization
  • Support gantt chart localization
  • Improve page template
  • Upgrade Vaadin version to 7.2.6
  • Improve UIs of projet views includes Bug, Task, Version, Component, Milestone
  • Allow users delete comments
  • Having the new Time Tracking feature

Bug Fixes

  • Remove border of Create Project button
  • Fix assignment table header misses border
  • Fix several broken unit tests
  • Fix css issues of email template
  • Edit project view is not consistent to other views
  • Can not display Japanese in several servlets
  • Can not display well on Safari browser due to Vaadin profiler

Version 4.3.2


  • Update Japanese localization
  • Upgrade Jasypt library up to 1.9.2
  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.2.5
  • Upgrade Spring framework to 4.0.6.RELEASE
  • Add the generic search module by using Solr
  • Add permission review when user select role
  • Simplify servlet error handler

Bug Fixes

  • Add more tracked fields in version notification email.
  • Fixed NPE when browser cookie is disabled.
  • Fixed bug view render wrongly in some rare cases.
  • Fixed overflow tooltip title if it is too long
  • Minor bug fix of project activity stream
  • Fixed confirm dialog body text size calculation wrongly
  • Validate email fails in several email formats
  • Fix bug view layout display wrongly in several cases
  • Email misspelling issues

Version 4.3.1


  • Upgrade Reflections to 0.9.9-RC2
  • Upgrade Guava to 15.0
  • Support Japanese in reporting
  • Internalization reporting module
  • Improve UIs
  • Update mobile edition

Bug Fixes

  • Can not save user in some special case
  • Minor bug fixes in inviting project member
  • Can not assign new role to project member
  • Notification Dialog has useless header
  • Minor UI bugs on IE
  • Can not 'remember password' in IE

Version 4.3.0


  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.2.4
  • Upgrade HirakiCP to 4.2.0
  • Update mobile edition
  • Improve Gantt chart display
  • Add Simple view of phase
  • Support Japanese localization
  • Emails are localized per language
  • Support lazy load view
  • Allow user can select the default system language
  • Focus in system stable by adding many unit tests and refactor the system

Bug Fixes

  • Exception is thrown when user save customized view
  • Exception is thrown when user save search result
  • Can not save login credential in mobile edition
  • Can not add new role or edit role name of existing item
  • Save duplicate monitor items

Version 4.2.0


  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.2.2
  • Upgrade Apache Camel to 2.13.1
  • Refactor reporting engine and improve the output of report
  • Adjust JVM fieldBuilder to avoid the PerGem error
  • Update icons to make UI more intuitive
  • Add welcome message for view that has empty retrieved items.
  • Add push service in Vaadin to lazy load heavy bug on UI
  • Remove border of buttons
  • Texts of emails

Bug Fixes

  • Invite and accept invitation causes NPE in several exceptional cases.
  • Can not assign role to new user
  • Several wrong link in emails
  • Calendar style issue
  • Can not save edit role
  • Link of following ticket is wrong

Version 4.1.1


  • Refactor tooltip generator for Project and CRM module
  • Allow user choose create new item in read view
  • Improve localization service, and move texts in localization files
  • Upgrade Spring framework to 4.0.5.RELEASE
  • Upgrade Jackrabbit to 2.8.0
  • Upgrade Flyway to 3.0
  • Upgrade Resteasy to 3.0.7
  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.2.0

Bug Fixes

  • Align button and text on the top in read view
  • Customized view display wrongly

Version 4.1.0


  • Boot time of application is much faster than previous version in some OSes
  • Email template of bug and bug are re-ordered fields more logically
  • Cache spring service classes to init application context faster
  • Support user localization.common
  • Make install process easier for non-tech users
  • Add gantt chart
  • Upgrade Vaadin library to 7.1.15

Bug Fixes

  • Application can not allow users upload big file size
  • Fix NPE of email sending when user create then delete item before the email is sent out
  • Fix date issue in email update of project milestone, and crm meeting
  • Cut username display name if it is long too in bug dashboard
  • Align user name center in standup report display
  • Display empty string if user does not enter their last name

Version 4.0.0


  • Redesign application user interface
  • Redesign email template
  • Dynamic query builder and let user can save query fieldBuilder for next search
  • Upgrade MyCollab libraries to higher version
  • Revise standup report and time logging feature
  • Improve code structure and simplify email processing procedure

Bug Fixes

  • Mass update in CRM module throws exception in several special cases
  • Fix exception throw when user back to previous screen
  • MyCollab cache views even when user sign out the site
  • Upload file in Chrome display upload window two times
  • Fix several wrong links in email
  • Improve datasource configuration to avoid site open many connections if the site is under heavy load
  • Fix database connection bottleneck in unit test cases if we run all batch tests

Version 3.0.0


  • Upgrade UI architect from Vaadin 6 to Vaadin 7
  • Refactor to share common codes for both web desktop and web mobile.
  • Update icons for CRM types and tabsheet
  • Update icons for Project types and tabsheet
  • Make icons more consistent of size and color
  • Add Convert Lead feature
  • Add decision role field to Contact Opportunity relationship and add new edit view for this relationship
  • Remove print button in all pages
  • Add mobile implementation (not ready for production yet)
  • Upgrade MyCollab libraries to higher version

Bug Fixes

  • Mass update account, contact in CRM module throws exception
  • Permission check in Case view is wrong
  • Navigate previous and next project member throws exception
  • Update user account throws exception
  • Export risk, problem list throws exception
  • Schedule runner can not send reports in some cases
  • Display activities throws exception in some cases
  • Invite member does not send when first name is null
  • Do not display tooltip of lead and contact if first name is null
  • Can not save search result in CRM module
  • Fix spelling mistakes
Source: README.md, updated 2016-06-07