
Localization Graph in Sensor networks

  • Ali

    Ali - 2010-04-26

    Hi !

    I am working on a project for localization in Wireless sensor network. This kind of networks are composed of several nodes and each node knows its distance to the other nodes. I want to construct a graph in which the relative position of vertices to each other is according to the distance between the nodes. I want to know if  JUNG has any methods or Class that can construct a graph by giving it the number of the vertices and the distance between ( or any other metrics ) them.

    Thanks for any replay

  • Joshua O'Madadhain

    If you know the _location_ of each vertex (and the distances are calculated from this information) then you can use StaticLayout with those locations, as Nicholas suggested.

    If you only know the _distance_ between each pair of _connected_ vertices (and that's what you want to preserve), then you can use one of the force-directed layouts (e.g. SpringLayout) that lets you specify the edge lengths.

    If you know and want to preserve the distance between _all pairs_ of vertices, then you want KKLayout (based on the Kamada-Kawai algorithm).



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