
Java Universal Network/Graph Framework / News: Recent posts

JUNG 2.1 released on GitHub

The new release:

General information, including how to add a dependency on JUNG 2.1 using Maven:

Posted by Joshua O'Madadhain 2016-03-19

JUNG moved to GitHub; JUNG 2.1 release imminent

It's been a long time since we've released significant changes to JUNG; here's what's going on.

First, new development on JUNG will be taking place on GitHub from now on. JUNG has been hosted on SourceForge since we created it in 2003, and both have gone through a lot of changes. Ultimately, we believe that GitHub will provide a simpler and more robust solution for hosting JUNG in future.

To get your questions answered about how to use JUNG, we currently recommend checking out StackOverflow: read more

Posted by Joshua O'Madadhain 2016-02-15

JUNG 2.0 released

JUNG has been released as version 2.0 without qualifiers ("alpha", "beta", "release candidate", etc.).

For more information:

discussion forum:

Posted by Joshua O'Madadhain 2009-04-14

JUNG 2.0 released

JUNG has been released as version 2.0 without qualifiers ("alpha", "beta", "release candidate", etc.).

For more information:

discussion forum:

Posted by Joshua O'Madadhain 2009-04-14

JUNG 2.0 beta1, JUNG 2.0 alpha3 (SWT) released

JUNG 2.0 has its first beta release: beta1. This release covers the 'core' libraries (API, graph implementations, algorithms, I/O), AWT/Swing visualization, and the experimental JAI and Java3D visualization frameworks.

We have also released version alpha3, which contains the same core libraries with the alpha version of SWT-based visualization.

See the web forum/support list for more information.

Posted by Joshua O'Madadhain 2008-07-26

JUNG 2.0 alpha version 1 released

See the forum posting for details.

Posted by Joshua O'Madadhain 2007-02-21

JUNG 1.7.6 released

Fixes a number of outstanding bugs.

Posted by Joshua O'Madadhain 2007-01-29

JUNG 1.7.5 released

See for details.

NOTE: Version 1.7.5 will be the last version of JUNG released until
version 2.0 (currently in active development) is released. We will
continue to support 1.7.5 for the indefinite future, but all future development will be concentrated on JUNG 2.0.

--The JUNG Development Team

Posted by Joshua O'Madadhain 2006-10-20

JUNG 1.7.3 released

Bug fixes, some new capabilities in random graph generation and visualization.

Posted by Joshua O'Madadhain 2006-03-03

JUNG 1.7.2 released

New graph editor demo, some refactoring of scaling code, plus several bug fixes.

Posted by Joshua O'Madadhain 2005-11-15

JUNG 1.7.1 released

See the release notes for details.

Posted by Joshua O'Madadhain 2005-10-20

JUNG 1.7.0 released

Enhanced and reorganized visualization framework, improved hypergraph support, many other new features and fixes.

Posted by Joshua O'Madadhain 2005-09-26

JUNG 1.5.2 release

Posted by Joshua O'Madadhain 2004-12-17

JUNG 1.5 release

JUNG provides a common and extendible language for the modeling, analysis, and visualization of data that can be represented as a graph or network. Features in this release include: new visualization features (updated VisualizationViewer, new PluggableRenderer, and SpringLayout to make them more flexible and powerful; take a look at PluggableRendererDemo), new clustering and ranking algorithms, new vertex mapping mechanisms, new ways of reporting and diagnosing constraint violations, numerous new decorators and predicates; a number of improvements in usability and function to existing classes (including GraphML and Pajek I/O), and a number of bug fixes, including extensive revisions to the Barabasi preferential-attachment graph generator. Also now using COLT 1.2 (whose new license requirements should free JUNG for use in commercial development) and Commons-Collections 3.1.... read more

Posted by Joshua O'Madadhain 2004-11-11

Support and Developer FAQ added

Much of the collected wisdom of the Forums is now available in convenient, bite-size form. See

Posted by D. Fisher 2004-06-29

JUNG-1.4.2 release

Minor bug fixes in Simple*Vertex; DirectedSparseVertex; BipartiteGraphReader

Posted by D. Fisher 2004-05-30

Jung 1.4.1 Release

This is mostly a memory leak-catching release, but it also contains support for...
* View graph as PREFUSE (see
* Improved control over dynamic graphs

We also have more samples at

Posted by D. Fisher 2004-05-12

Jung 1.1.1 Release

Interim release: introducing directionless vertexes (SparseVertex) making Directed and UndirectedSparseVertex obsolete; various fixes; and making it easier to run a GraphDraw without a StringLabeller. See ReleaseNotes for details.

Posted by D. Fisher 2003-11-27

JUNG 1.0 release

I would like to announce the release 1.0 of the open-source Java Universal Network/Graph Framework described below. Our website can be visited at It contains more information about the project.

Note: We are currently looking for help in adding new algorithms from social networks, graph theory, data mining, and others. Please see our FAQ ( for more information on how one might go about contributing code to our project.... read more

Posted by Scott White 2003-08-06