Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
SampleApp.zip 2010-05-12 174.9 kB
Source.zip 2010-05-12 3.1 kB
Readme.txt 2010-05-12 966 Bytes
demo.jsp 2010-05-12 411 Bytes
thumb.jsp 2010-05-12 605 Bytes
Thumbnail.java 2010-05-12 4.5 kB
Totals: 6 Items   184.5 kB 0


Author : Kiran Krishnan
Email   : kirankrishnan84@gmail.com


Usage : Free usage for general purpose applications


Source Files

Thumbnail.java - Class files packaged under MyPack
thumb.jsp   - Jsp code which invokes the Class File
demo.jsp  -  Example for crating thumb



<img src="thumb.jsp?image=images/samples.jpg&w=160&h=100" alt="Alt" class="thumb" />

to get thumb for an image call this url  on img src tag


Path should be given based on server document root

See teh sample application to get more information

It requires servlet-api.jar for runtime. Download the same and copy to WEB-INF/libs folder of the tomcat server

Source: Readme.txt, updated 2010-05-12