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  • Robust, small and standard de facto implementation of JSON parser in C++. We use it in educational purposes to study students.
  • We have been using Json-cpp for quite a number of years in our mobile games, where it has provided solid, reliable, cross-platform parsing with a very small footprint.
  • hello author, I find a bug. when i use reader prase a num string,expleme "49", it is crash type_ is int type,but value_.map_ is not createed
  • hello author, I find two bug. 1.if json more than twenty value,Could lead to a loss of "[" and "{". example: Json::Value root; Json::FastWriter writer; while(bContinue) { hModule = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, PInfo.th32ProcessID); Module32First(hModule, &MInfo); CloseHandle(hModule); hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,FALSE,PInfo.th32ProcessID); char cFull[1024] = {0}; int iLen = pGetProcessImageFileNameA(hProcess,cFull,1024); Json::Value sysinfo; sysinfo["dwPid"] = (int)PInfo.th32ProcessID; sysinfo["FileName"] = PInfo.szExeFile; sysinfo["FilePath"] = DosDevicePath2LogicalPath(cFull); sysinfo["dwThreads"] = (int)PInfo.cntThreads; sysinfo["dwPriClass"] = (int)GetPriorityClass(hProcess); root.append(sysinfo); bContinue = Process32Next(hSnapshot, &PInfo); } jsondata = writer.write(root); FILE *fp; fp = fopen("aa.txt", "w"); if(fp ==NULL) printf("fails\n"); fprintf(fp, jsondata.c_str()); 2.value["key"] funtion lost aslong(),if value is FileSize. If updated, please notice,Thank you very much.
  • hello author, I find a expression that in json_reader.cpp 566 line. like this: bool badTokenType = ( token.type_ == tokenArraySeparator && token.type_ == tokenArrayEnd ); the boolean expression always return false. I think not '&&' but '||', do you thing so ?
  • Segfaults at __gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add when trying to create and destroy a Reader object. Tried with both ubuntu repositories version and self-compiled version. Using gcc 4.8
  • Ca marche nickel , ça marche sous C++ Builder 6 : utilise les : - conteneur : tableau associatif (map), tableau dynamique (vector) de la STL C++ , - flux de chaînes : stringstream (STL C++) , - string (de la STL C++) . Très bien, y a tout ce qu'il fallait utiliser !! Pour info, je récupère les données de production d'une éolienne en JSON sous la forme : {"Items":[{"Power":"0 W"},{"DailyYield":"0 Wh"},{"TotalYield":"404,54 kWh"}]} {"Items":[{"Power":"0 W"},{"DailyYield":"22 Wh"},{"TotalYield":"576,16 kWh"}]} je décode en C++ Builder6 avec : AnsiString reponse ; // contient la donnée de production éolienne au format JSON JSONValue json ; string power, dailyYield, totalYield ; reponse[ reponse.Length() ] = 0 ; // supprime le '\0' de fin de chaîne de caractères json.decode( reponse.c_str() ) ; if( ! json.empty() ) { power = json["Items"] [0] ["Power"].asString() ; dailyYield = json["Items"] [1] ["DailyYield"].asString() ; totalYield = json["Items"] [2] ["TotalYield"].asString() ; } En javascript, pour décoder du JSON, j'utilise la librairie : json.js Merci beaucoup, ça m'a bien aidé , Did
    1 user found this review helpful.
  • Good one! Simple and fast.
  • Documentation / setting up the project is a nightmare! Readmes are all outdated.
  • We use JSON in our product absolutely everywhere. And some very complicated JSON as well. Using this library introduced heap corruption into our product. It was reproducible, but under very odd circumstances. Writing our own JSON reader magically made all of our heap corruption go away. Do not use this for anything commercial-grade. It would probably work OK for the most part for some utility projects or something simple.
    2 users found this review helpful.
  • Good library: it can store UTF-8 text without \uXXXX\uXXXX encoding, so .json file is easy to read in text editors. I don't know if this violates some standards, but it is good. Much easier in usage than boost::property_tree::json_read(). The boost can't save/load symbols > 127, it even can't read its own \uXXXX codes. I love root["name"]["name"] syntax of jsoncpp. Also i like that it is GPL-free, because GPL is a virus and not a true freedom. One thing i regret about: there is no long int type, so i have to use double :) Used it in my project: audigger (sourceforce)
    1 user found this review helpful.
  • Very helpfull!
  • terrific program
    5 users found this review helpful.
  • I love it!
    5 users found this review helpful.
  • Wow that is an impressive
    5 users found this review helpful.
  • Thanks!
    5 users found this review helpful.
  • Really nice project! Thanks a lot!
    5 users found this review helpful.
  • UP for this project
    5 users found this review helpful.
  • Good and useful software
  • I have been looking for this project for a long time. Awesome work dudes!
  • Great software! :) Thanks
  • i use it every day, can't live without it!
  • It is NOT user friendly but it work very well
  • Good for work with C++. Thank you dudes!
  • Hello,i want to know how to use json-cpp in c++ builder 6.0 ,thank yours.
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