Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
downloads 2017-04-22
Source_Code 2011-02-27
Documentation 2011-01-09
README 2010-12-19 1.4 kB
Totals: 4 Items   1.4 kB 0
Please download the following documents: (The newer versions include this documentation which covers all new additions to this Forth Language)

J2EE Forth User Guide.pdf (this will help you get going)
J2EE Forth Language Reference.pdf (this will provide you with examples to be able to program with this version of Forth taking advantage of the advanced features
like XML and  HashMaps and List(ArrayLists)  Variables  

To run in windows edit the start.bat and modify the parameter :  C:\\Users\\nick\\Documents\\ForthFiles to point to the folder on your hard disk where you want to save the Forth Files

/////////// content of batch file ///////////////////////
java -jar J2SE_Forth.jar C:\Users\nick\Documents\ForthFiles

To run in Linux or Solaris edit the start.sh shell script and modify the parameter :  C:\\Users\\nick\\Documents\\ForthFiles to point to the folder on your hard disk where you want to save the Forth Files

After that make the file exceutable as follows:
chmod 775 start.sh ( logged in as root in Unix)
sudo chmod 775 start.sh ( logged in as non-root user in Linux)

///////////////////// content of Shell Script file /////////////

# for UNIX use this line
sudo java -jar J2SE_Forth.jar /root/ForthFiles
# for Linux use this line
java -jar J2SE_Forth.jar /home/nick/ForthFiles
Source: README, updated 2010-12-19