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-= Graph.NET_Demo.exe Readme =-

Author: Joshua S. King

    - This demo executable has two purposes. Firstly it is to allow me to develop the libary and test the features. Secondly it is to demonstrate the GraphPanel behaviour and how you might use it in your own C# WinForms application. Once I am happy with this library I will be creating a WPF version. Note that peformance degrades significantly when the graph has many, many nodes and edges. I expect that when I move to WPF I will be able to avoid this issue. I only recommend this for working with graphs that are not going to have hundreds of nodes. It would be ideal for designing FSMs for AI.

    - You don't install per-se. You just run the exe, but note that it won't do much unless you have the graphviz executables somewhere on disk.
    - You can set the graphviz bin path at runtime by clicking one of the buttons in the bottom right and setting the text in the textbox to the path.
    - Alternatively edit the Graph.NET_Demo.exe.config file and replace the GVPath setting value with your desired path. Note that if you have graphviz installed to the default location in Program Files, then this will be found automatically and favoured over your GVPath setting.

    - You enter the dot graph markup in the bottom left textbox and click submit and then the graph will be generated above.
    - The right textbox will display the verbose output of the GraphBuilder ToString method which results in the same graph with a more literal markup. The intent is to flesh this out and improve the GraphBuilder to make the graphs prettier and test and verify the results are correctly visualised.
    - You can currently draw out new nodes by clicking on existing ones and dragging away from the node and then releasing.
    - You can add edges between nodes by clicking on the source node and dragging out and then releasing on the destination node. This will also work when the source and destination are the same.
    - You can save the raw markup out to text file (.gv), or deserialise the Svg object out to xml (.svg) using the File->Save graph as... menu.
    - You can export the markup using the dot executable to xml (.svg) or dot markup (.gv) using the File->Export markup as... menu. This allows you to diff the results with the GraphBuilder output to see if your dot markup is well formed (purely for development - improving the GraphBuilder output).

Upcoming features:
    - Allowing modifications to existing edges to change their source/destination.
    - (Re-)naming nodes and edges.
    - Setting shape and colour properties on nodes/edges/text etc.
    - Adding exporting to image files (png etc). Currently you can only export to svg or gv.
Source: README.txt, updated 2014-05-13