Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2014-01-07 4.3 kB
gra4_0014.zip 2014-01-07 85.1 kB
Totals: 2 Items   89.4 kB 0
Big social networks put plenty of forums out of business - anyone can create a group on Facebook, and it's much easier than to build and support whole website.
We want to get webmasters back into the game - with GRA4 any phpBB installation can get it's own full-blown social networking subsystem.

This mod creates GRA4 social network for the current phpBB installation.
Example: http://titanfrog.com/phpBB3/gra4/ 
(of course the visitor must be logged in as phpBB user to see full social networking functionality)

Docs: http://wiki.gra4.com/ 

Support Groups:
General: http://gra4.com/groups/profile/94/gra4-webmasters
phpBB: http://gra4.com/groups/profile/95/gra4-webmasters-phpbb
(Check "Group Files" for the current version)

Read the licence.txt for more about GNU.

software requirements:
PHP 5.2+ , PHP Extensions: cURL, mbstring. phpBB3

Manual Installation instructions:

- Copy all files from /gra4/ archive folder to /gra4/ directory right under your phpBB3 installation.

- Copy file GRA4_body.html from /template/ archive folder you the template folder.
 For example for ProSilver the location would be /phpBB3/styles/prosilver/template/
 For the standard phpBB3 styles(prosilver and subsilver3) you can 
  just copy all files from /styles/ archive folder to /styles/ directory right under your phpBB3 installation.
 Refresh the template via phpBB admin interface (menu -> Styles -> Templates -> Refresh)

- Point you browser to /gra4 right under URL of your phpBB installation
 For example http://yoursite.com/phpbb/gra4

That's it! =)

This mod is automod-safe, so if you have automod installed...

AUTOMOD Installation instructions:

- Go to ACP click on AUTOMOD tab upload the gra4.zip file 

- Run install command under autoMod interface

- Point you browser to /gra4 right under URL of your phpBB installation
 For example http://yoursite.com/phpbb/gra4

Modify content of  css files in the /gra4/css/ to change styles of the social network subsystem visualization

We suggest to put the link somewhere in the phpBB header to help users to find your Social Network functionnality.

Please note: if you uninstall gra4 via AUTOMOD you will have to remove /gra4/ directory manually

Automatic installation/Upgrade:
The distribution includes file gra4autoinstall.php for quick installation or upgrade to the current version

 - Place gra4 distribution zip file to your phpBB directory (same directory where common.php is)
 - Extract this file (gra4autoinstall.php) to your phpBB directory
 - Point your browser to http://your_server.com/phpbb_path/gra4autoinstall.php
Make sure this file is deleted to prevent accidental start.
	To simplify navigation to the social networking subsystem of this phpBB, smartlink will be added to prosilver template.
	In order to do so files styles/prosilver/template/overall_footer.html and tpl_prosilver_overall_footer.html.php are going to be modified.
	If you use different templates, please apply same modifications manually and refresh template.
	To skip smartlink installation, use http://your_server.com/phpbb_path/gra4autoinstall.php?nolink 

Enjoy ! =)

PS. Little extra: if you want your users to have convenient link to your Social Network, 
 you may add to file styles/prosilver/template/footer_header.html
 Something like this:
<!-- GRA4 SmartLink Start -->
 <div id='gra4_floatlink' style='display:none; border-radius:5px; padding: 2px; margin:0px; border:outset blue 3px; background-color:blue; position:fixed; left:9px; top:9px; box-shadow:7px 7px 7px 2px lightgray; '>
<a style='padding: 0px; margin:0px; text-shadow: 1px 1px gray; font-family:Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:12px; font-weight:900; text-decoration:none; color:white;' href='gra4' title="Click to visit GRA4 subsystem of this phpBB.Not GRA4 feature, it's for this website only.">GRA4</a>
<script language='javascript'>
var sUrl = new String(window.location);
if(sUrl.indexOf('/gra4/') == -1)
<!-- GRA4 SmartLink End -->

Again, don't forget to refresh the template via phpBB admin interface

Source: README.txt, updated 2014-01-07