Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2013-03-24 952 Bytes
Turmites.pyw 2013-03-24 5.6 kB
Turmites.py 2013-03-24 5.6 kB
Totals: 3 Items   12.2 kB 0
Game of Turmites

by Jake Burga

The two files included are the .py and the .pyw Source Code.

Pygame is required to run.

I'm sure there are several issues with the presentation and 
distribution of this program that I am unaware of. I just
patched this together over a couple of days of experimentation
and then decided to put it on the web. It's the first time I've
accomplished genetic algorithms. While it's relatively simple, 
I'm a bit proud of it. It should be buggy. I know of some that
don't ultimately alter the workability, but there's probably
more I've missed and would need to fix to make it more accessible.

If you happen to come accross something like this, let me know.
And possibly, let me know how I could improve on some of it.

I'm inexperienced in all of this. I'm an ameteur programmer. 
I've been wanting to put something out here to get brutaly 
criticized, because then at least I can actually improve.
Source: README.txt, updated 2013-03-24