Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README-3.5.3.md 2021-12-17 11.9 kB
g7ctrl-3.5.3.tar.xz 2021-12-17 2.2 MB
g7ctrl-webhelp-3.4.1.tar.xz 2017-02-26 1.0 MB
Totals: 3 Items   3.2 MB 0

v3.5.3 (Dec 2021)

General notes for this release

This release has no visible changes apart from an update to the SMTP library to improve on the compatibility with more SMTP servers.

Detailed user visible changes

  • No changes

Bugs fixed

  • Better compatibility with SMTP servers to lower risk of being classified as Spam.

Internal changes (visible for developers and packagers)

  • None

v3.5.2 (Oct 2021)

General notes for this release

No changes only for Debian/Ubuntu packaging purposes.

v3.5.1 (Jan 2021)

EOL - Notification

This is the last planned release for this daemon.

General notes for this release

Note Due too Google policy change an API key is now mandatory to be able to use the reverse Geo-lookup.

This is an update to keep the daemon current with the latest GCC compiler changes as well as better adherence to the systemd demonization guidelines. Some minor clean up in the build system has also been made for better compatibility between different system. In addition this release has been scanned through SonarQube for possible problems.

OSX Note: This release has not yet been verified with the Big Sur release.

Detailed user visible changes

  • If no option is given the daemon by default starts in foreground (previously the default was to start in the background). This change is for better harmonization with systemd that assume applications starts in foreground and systemd handles all the necessary magic to put the application in the background as a daemon.

Bugs fixed

  • None (None reported).

Internal changes (visible for developers and packagers)

  • Build system now handles both fop v1 & fop v2 in the change of path handling
  • Build system now correctly identifies both gawk and mawk
  • Support for upstart is removed
  • Both gcc v8 and gcc v9 is fully supported with maximum warnings enabled
  • Libtool bug compensated for
  • More graceful handling of systems missing 'cloc'
  • Added option to create non-pic code to enable debugging with Netbeans (bug in Netbeans makes PIC code not recognized as an executable but as a shared library)
  • All remaining specific SuSE support have been removed (since this is not an officially supported platform)

v3.4.6 (nov 2018)

General notes for this release

This fixes some compatibility issues introduced with the latest OSX (Mojave)

Detailed user visible changes

  • None

Bugs fixed

  • None

Internal changes (visible for developers and packagers)

  • The Docbook build of manpages was broken since the refactoring in 3.0 but since the output files was included already in the distribution they were never re-built and the problem not discovered.
  • The autoconf now declares a substitute variable LOCAL_DOCBOOK XSL_DIR which is set the resolved Docbook XSL directory based on the local xml-catalog

v3.4.5 (mar 2018)

General notes for this release

This is purely a build environment updated to stay current with evolving tool chains and improved Debian packaging. No user visible changes.

Detailed user visible changes

  • None

Bugs fixed

  • None

Internal changes (visible for developers and packagers)

  • Lockfile is now created directly under /var/run to better harmonize with debian standard init files
  • Some improvements in automation when building Debian package
  • Remove deprecated link targets (syslog) in g7ctrl.service
  • Enable all runlevels in init.d/ to comply with Debian packaging guidline
  • Remove all existing SuSE specific scripts since they are not tested

v3.4.2 - 3.4.4

Internally consumed versions. Not released.

v3.4.1 (feb 2017)

General notes for this release

Maintenance release and build environment update. The primary build environment now uses gcc v5.4.0 (was 4.8.4) as well as fop v2.1 (was 1.1). The base for the build server is now LTS release Ubunti 16.04 LTS (flavor Linux Mint 18.1 Serena)

The environment update has forced some minor code updates (primarily some instrumentation to shut down false positive warning for use of C99 variable length arrays on the stack (VLA). The move to fop 2.1 requires a configuration file to set the proper base URI for inclusion of external objects (e.g. images in the manual).

Adds some more information on cache usage in mail templates for tracking updates. Some further minor internal changes only visible for developers.

Detailed user visible changes

  • Added cache reporting in the mail template

Bugs fixed

  • Reported absolute fill of cache was wrong after cache wraparound

Internal changes (visible for developers and packagers)

  • Avoid warning from clang compiler with pragma when -Wgnu-folding-constant is enabled
  • Added '>>>' prefix for debug messages to make them more easy to spot in the log
  • Added "fop.cfg" for use with fop invocation.
  • Minor update to the build configuration script

v3.4.0 (may 2016)

General notes for this release

Minor maintenance release. Since the configuration file was updated with two new settings to adjust the cache size the version was bumped to a new .dot release. The focus of this release is primarily the geolocation cache handling with new features and one important bug fix. Statistics is now also kept when the daemon is restarted.

Detailed user visible changes

  • Geolocation cache size is now adjustable in the configuration file by two new settings.
  • Cache statistics will now be saved on exit and re-read upon start of the daemon.
  • Minor visual adjustments of the PDF report layout
  • Geolocation cache for addresses now creates an automatic backup of previously saved caches.
  • Some more information on cache size and current usage is now shown in the ".cachestat" server command.

Bugs fixed

  • Fixed a potential overflow if more cache locations was saved than we can read back at startup if the cache size has been lowered.
  • The geolocation cache was not saved properly to file when terminating daemon when the cache index had wrapped around.

Internal changes (visible for developers and packagers)

  • Refactored the geo-location cache handling into its own module.
  • Changed cache allocation from stack to heap
  • the "mv_and_rename()" file function now accepts NULL argument for newname

v3.3.3 (dec 2015)

General notes for this release

Happy X-mas! The last release for the year!

This release fixes one possible security issue. In the 3.x series it was not possible to enable the password for command login via the config file. It had no affect. A one-line check had been missing since the large refactoring in the 3.0.0 release. Some minor changes in the report layout was also made.

Detailed user visible changes

  • User password for command login can now be enabled again (regression in the 3.x series)
  • Some minor layout improvements in the PDF report.
  • Some minor update to mail template used for new connection

Bugs fixed

  • Password could not be enabled for command connections. The setting in the config file were ignored.
  • The power saving section in the PDF report had an error in the status display for the wakeup report. It was also a bit too small.

Internal changes (visible for developers and packagers)

  • Replaced some internal usage of unsafe string functions to corresponding safe versions in libxstr internal library.

v3.3.2 (nov 2015)

General notes for this release

A minor maintenance release with some improvements in the handling of error returns from the device and layout of the device report. In addition some internal changes were made to make the build fully compatible with the latest OS X release "El Capitan" (which felt the need to introduce some compatibility breaks in the file system layout and permissions).

NOTE: Deprecation of support for OpenSuSE (and derivatives) based distributions. As of this version no more active testing on those platforms will be made. From 3.4.0 all OpenSuSE specific control scripts will be removed (init.d/ scripts)

From this release and onwards a Debian/Ubuntu package is available at the PPA "ppa:johan162/g7ctrl"

Detailed user visible changes

  • Give better error message when the "test" command indicates error.
  • Add command ".breport" (Basic-report) which is almost the same as ".report" but does not include the geo-fence events in the report. This is useful if the report is generated over GPRS since it saves a lot of time since the report does not have to question the state of all 50 possible geo-fence events.
  • Minor change in the report layout to improve human readability of the to/from date and time for stored locations.

Bugs fixed

  • None (no reported bugs or remaining bugs in the backlog)

Internal changes (visible for developers and packagers)

  • Retry up to a maximum of five times if we get a timeout from reading from the device. However, that rarely seems to help once the device is in a non responsive mode. If the device does not reply within a reasonable time no amount of re-reading seems to succeed in reading back data. Instead the only way seems to be to flush the serial buffer and re-issue the command.

  • Refactored rkey.[hc] to a proper dictionary API and renamed module to "dict"

  • Change the XSL stylesheet lookup to trust the current XML catalog instead of manually trying to locate the stylesheets in the config process. This was originally a workaround for faulty installations with wrong catalog setup. However, no more workarounds. If its broken you should fix your XML setup! This has the additional advantage of future proofing the Docbook build.

  • Minor updates to the bootstrap scripts to add the latest dependencies

  • Support for OpenSuSE and derivatives thereof is deprecated. This does not mean it doesn't work. It just means that no more official testing will be done on those system. In addition this means that no more RPM packages will be built. The reason has nothing to do with technical merits of the OpenSuSE platform but only as a mean to reduce the maintenance work. Starting with 3.4.0 all platform specific scripts (like init scripts to start the daemon) will also be removed since they will no longer be maintained. Version 3.4.0 and forward will only support Debian based derivatives (like Ubunto and Linux Mint)

  • Changed build options for GCC to include "--param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wstack-protector" which will decrease the default SSP limit of 8 down to 4 to make sure most functions using stack is protected.

  • Modify configuration process (configure.ac) so that an $prefix is not pre-prended to the DB directory in case the prefix is specified as either /usr or /usr/local Also fix a corner case when for bizarre setups the sysconfdir was not properly set.

Source: README-3.5.3.md, updated 2021-12-17