Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
SistemeDeOperare10feb2013.zip 2013-02-09 5.5 MB
readme.txt 2011-12-08 9.4 kB
fs-2.61.zip 2011-12-08 1.7 MB
fs-2.6.zip 2011-11-21 1.7 MB
fs-2.5.zip 2011-11-13 1.7 MB
Totals: 5 Items   10.6 MB 11
This is FS (FileSystem tester), version 2.61
Last time when it was updated:  11:07am(+2 EEST), 08/Dec/2011

Fixes :
- there was a simple bug that did not allowed FAT16 usage - which is now fixed ! -> FAT16 is now OK

Notes Fot FS (FileSystem tester), version 2.6
Last time when it was updated:  09:00am(+2 EEST), Mon, 21/Nov/2011

Update,fixes : 
- cache finally finnished ! and ready to use ! yey !

Notes for FS (FileSystem tester), version 2.5
Last time when it was updated:  23:54am(+2 EEST), Thu, 13/Nov/2011

Updates,fixes,new :
- dos version can now access USB DVD/CD using DOSUSB.COM driver (see www.georgpotthast.de/)
- fixes for win32/linux (can now access more easly any drive using OS's funcs
- added more help/faq; more is to come !

Notes for FS (FileSystem tester), version 2.42
Last time when it was updated:  12:10pm(+2 EEST), Thu, 28/Oct/2011

- fixes for partition editor
- it can now dump any drive (linux/win32 or int13_drv/vfile in dos) to local hard disk 
(using OS's read/write to file)
- it can now open CD/DVD drives in win nt too ! (fixed bug)
- win32 fixes

Notes for version 2.41
Last time when it was updated:  12:40pm(+2 EEST), Friday, 16/Oct/2011

Fixes, updates, new:
- usbebe has new features; bug fixes
- FS_DOS.EXE can now use INT13_DRV in case you don't have a compatible PATA board
- net.bas fixes ! includes encript.bas


notes for version 2.4
Last time when it was updated:  18:10pm(+2 EEST), Friday, 16/Sept/2011

USBebe is ready ! It means you can fully debug you UHCI-usb controller !
You can send any custom usb-request packets (for now, but under-development is a full
guide assitance ... so that you can send the apropriate packet for apropriate need ...)
(Of course you will need to know stuff ... about usb spec otherwise it like something
requireing you a high level security password .. ;) )
Have fun with it !

if you have an EHCI controller on your PC and you plug-in a device that can support
high-speed transactions, the EHCI controller will take over it and you might not be
able to see it under an of the UHCI controlers ... ups ... - there's got to be a switch somewhere inside EHCI , but I couldn't find it for now ... maybe for a future release)


Tutorial :

-start MSDOS 
-start FS.EXE
-go inside main-menu to USB DEVICES.
-select [Provide UHCI driver]  option
-select your uhci controler (if you have more - EHCI provides more UCHI ctrls)
-plug in your device in the apropriate port (the one that your selected UCHI ctrl is able to see)
-press enter all the time until you reach the debuging window ...
-press [pgdn] to reset device (for port 1) or [end] for port2
-press [pgup] to enable device on port 1 or [home] to enable device on port2
  this will also detect the type of device : full-speed vs. low-speed and set all packets
  apropriate bits for that
-now you can go and select some TD's and setup bytes inside buffer (there exist allready seted TD's like 50 for get device descriptor and 500 for set address, 600 for set configuration, 700 for set interface; but they are not enabled)
-when you are ready , pause usb controller (go to first options and press enter; enter will toggle between run/stop)
-enable your TD's by selecting TD (enter when cursor over it) and pressing "1"
-no start again usb controler (goto first option and press enter)
-if every thing is setted up correctly the TDs will be retired (those whom you setted up)
-enjoy debuging ...

TIP: if you press enter on when over a TD, you'll receive info about TD at bottom of window; also the data buffer will be updated such that you'll be able to see it's content
->look for the buffer under the TDs list

- pressing F1 for each selected row will display help for that row !

good luck

any bugs, des-illusions, depresions about it ?
write me at : mbarboi@yahoo.com

free for non-criminal purposes-only !

This is FS (FileSystem tester), version 1.984
Last time when it was updated:  11:41am, Friday, 10/Aug/2010

- FS now supports recursive copy of directories and file, recursive delete.
Cache for speed improvement is now available (only for small harddisk/flashes like 512MB or 1GB).
For small devices the cache is prity good. It improves a lot the speed of copying small files !
- FS now supports walking through EXT2/3 directories (only unhashed ones ... Hashing is under development).
- So under development is :framed/paged cache for big drives 
(e.g. for 1TB HardDisk it needs :~4MB of ram for entries and 4Mb for the data cache . 
While unframed cache would take 1GB of ram only for entries and 4MB for data ... 
Unframed cache is instead better for small harddisks/flashes .. (size<1GB ))
- Soon I hope to finnish reading any file from ext2/3 and recursive copying from ext2/3, 
editing/viewing on disk files (but no changes to size of file).
- In future- I hope- :copying to ext2/3 , deleteing from ext2/3... 


This is FS (FileSystem tester), version 1.82.
Last time when it was updated:  01:00am, Sunday, 11/July/2010

FileSystem is an advanced tool that uses built-in drivers for
hard disks, cd/dvds , usb sticks, .....

What can it do that others can not ?!

1) It can open multi-session ISO 9666 DVDs (while MSCDEX and XCDROM/SHSUCDX can
open DVD's but they can see only the first session ! Even 
Windows 95,98,98SE can not open the last appeneded session of DVD - only first

Other facilies :
It can open FAT12/16/32 partitions and use it to :
    - delete files
    - copy files from one partition to another
    - view cluster linked list
    - goto file's first cluster (and see all allocation chain)
    - defragment file (re-write file so that is unfragmented)
    - see LongFileName entry of a file/dir and also complete LFN path of a file/dir
    - CHRUCH (move all data to begining of disk including DIRECTORY CLUSTERS !)
      Use -chruch- to free up your partition so that you can use FIPS 
      (partition splinter)
    - can defragment hole directory (re-write each entry so that it is continous)
    - can check fat partitions for big errors
    - can BE USED to recover completly deleted files (by search the begining
      of all cluster's for the starting ASCII string of you file)
      e.g. I had a source file called : usbebe.bas , that I worked for it
      days and days. But something went wrong with my PC and the file
      disappeared from HD !
      There was no way of finding the starting cluster of file, because
      directory entry was replaced by other entry !
      The thing that I did and you can try too is to search all cluster for
      the begining of your file:
      my file started with :
      'SD.SM.ST. GNupyright (G), 1996-2010, AlphaX (R) Corp.
      So I built a tool to search all clusters for that string !
      And thanks God I found my file through the free clusters !
      I created a new dir_entry started with that cluster, and linked
      the rest of the clusters (FAT table) to first cluster. 
      (I had to compute by my self the which they are).
      I used for last operation FreeDOS's WDE tool !

      I write into FS so that it does like WDE but I don't need to
      build things allready build and tested !
      So if you need things like disk editing try WDE, norton's disk editor ...
There is a EXT2/3 driver being developed ... and soon it will be ready for use !

There are more things :like exploreing USB Mass Storages ...

To explore your STICK try this :

    -search with google for : DOSUSB.COM 
    -Download DOSUSB from Georg's SITE (DOS USB DRIVERS).
    -plugin your USB device ! 
    -start DOSUSB.COM
    -start my FS.EXE
    -goto explore hd/usb
    -select hardware driver as : DOSUSB_DRV
    -select interface as : HD_DRIVE
    -enter 1 as DEVICE ADRESS (when you are asked for ide number)
    - NOW you are ready to explore your stick with the speed of 36KBytes per second !
    Faster speed will come soon don't warry !
There are more to tell ... Find     them 	in 	FS.EXE

-> YOU MUST DISABLE FreeDOS's [LBACACHE] if you want to write to hardisk !
Because FS uses internal drivers for ATA (E)IDE (not DOS, not BIOS, not ...)
there's going to be a conflict between LBACACHE and FS ! 
-> Why ?!?!?!
-> Because lbacache reads FAT in ram and FS updates FAT on disk ! But LBACACHE
doesn't know that FS reads/writes to disk because I'm not using DOS DISK READ/WRITE !
When FS updates FAT on disk, LBACACHE's FAT copy from RAM is not updated !
When comming to DOS Lbacache will update FAT with the un-updated copy of FAT 
(DISTROING your drive ... he-he-he).
-> Why don'y you tell LBACACHE ?
-> Because I'm using I/O ports not DOS/BIOS functions. It will cost me a lot,
and there are some more other constraints !
BUT FS has it's own cache (working for small drives (like 512MB-1GB).

The same problem you can have with SMARTDRV ! But smartdrv seems to be 
samrter at this point... Sometimes it checks disk first !
you can use [SMARTDRV /r] to reload FAT from disk ... But might get dangerous
sometimes ....

Source: readme.txt, updated 2011-12-08