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fidoreadphp_manual_en.pdf 2012-05-20 433.5 kB
README 2012-05-20 7.4 kB
fidoreadphp_0_2_release_05202012.tbz2 2012-05-20 2.9 MB
fidoreadphp_0_1_release_12192010.tbz2 2010-12-19 2.8 MB
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README file for FidoReadPHP

Copyright 2010-2012 

1 - Introduction

FidoCadJ is a very easy to use editor, with a vast library of electrical 
symbols and footprints (through hole and SMD). FidoCadJ is inspired from 
FidoCad (without "J"), which was a vector graphic editor useful for 
electrical schematics and printed circuit boards. FidoCadJ uses a file format 
containing only UTF-8 text, very compact and suited for copy and pasting 
from/into newsgroups and forum messages. 
This determined its success among the italian Usenet community, from late 
'90s, as it is quite versatile for simple mechanical drawings as well. 

First, a few useful sites about FidoCadJ:

FidoReadPHP is meant to be a FidoCad/FidoCadJ file reader written in PHP easy
to be integrated in forum engines in order to process on the fly FidoCadJ 
drawings. User can thus see the images generated by the server, but they
can download the code describing it, modify it again with FidoCadJ and 
post it again.

2 - Files contained in this source distribution

In the following table you can find a description of the trunk directory of 
the FidoReadPHP project.

File                        Comments
README                  This file
NEWS                    New stuff in the last versions
icons/                  Contains all icons (made with Gimp)
src/                    Contains all the PHP source files
src/lib/                The FidoCadJ standard libraries
src/fonts/liberation    The open source Liberation fonts collection

3 - How to install and use FidoReadPHP

3.1 Install FidoReadPHP

At first, we remind you that FidoReadPHP is a collection of PHP classes which 
should be used in a web page. They can parse a FidoCadJ drawing to obtain
a standard PNG image which can be shown.
To install FidoReadPHP in your system, you will need to place the 
FidoParser.php file somewhere where the PHP can reach it. You may find it in 
the src/ directory of this repository. All is somewhat self-contained, so all
is done with a simple drag and drop. You will anyway need the FidoCadJ 
standard libraries, which are contained in those files:

FCDstdlib_en.fcl           as ""  
PCB_en.fcl                 as "pcb"
IHRAM_en.fcl               as "ihram"
elettrotecnica_en.fcl      as "elettrotecnica"

You will also probably need some Free Type 2 fonts somewhere, if you want to
take advantage of some advanced text rendering. Take note of where your system
store those fonts and read the paragraph 3.2.

3.2 Using FidoReadPHP

The main interface of FidoReadPHP is the FidoParser class. Basically, what you
need to do is to store the FidoCadJ drawing you want to plot in a string and
then instanciate a FidoParser class, by passing to its constructor this 
string. Here is an example:

    $fidoParser = new FidoParser('
    FJC B 0.5
    LI 25 15 235 15 0
    MC 25 25 0 0 115
    TY 15 25 4 3 0 0 0 * R1
    TY 15 30 4 3 0 0 0 * 1k
    MC 40 25 0 0 115
    TY 31 25 4 3 0 0 0 * R2
    TY 28 30 4 3 0 0 0 * 10k');

Now your class is instantiated, but to obtain the image you must first perform
a certain number of operations. At first, we do have to load all the standard
libraries, since FidoReadPHP does not do that by default:

    $standardLibraryString = file_get_contents('./lib/FCDstdlib_en.fcl', 
    $fidoParser->readLibrary($standardLibraryString, "");
    $pcbLibraryString = file_get_contents('./lib/PCB_en.fcl', true);
    $fidoParser->readLibrary($pcbLibraryString, "pcb");
    $ihramLibraryString = file_get_contents('./lib/IHRAM_en.fcl', true);
    $fidoParser->readLibrary($ihramLibraryString, "ihram");
    $ihramLibraryString = file_get_contents('./lib/elettrotecnica_en.fcl', 
    $fidoParser->readLibrary($ihramLibraryString, "elettrotecnica");

We then specify where FidoReadPHP should find the fonts to be used for the 
drawing. Note that this operation is somewhat not mandatory, since the GD
library exploited by FidoReadPHP contains some (ugly) bitmap fonts. The text
rendering will be incomparably better, however, if a decent collection of 
fonts is available on your system:

    // We specify the path to the Free Type 2 fonts directory
Remember to express the path to the directory in which you have your fonts 
stored and leave the path separator at the end, i.e. the '/' for Unices. This
is mandatory, since this string is then concatenated with the font name to
retrieve the file containing it.
You will probably need at least the following fonts:

Typically, what you might want to do is to specify some installed fonts for
providing some sort of a standard set. The following code works with the
Liberation font collection distributed with FidoReadPHP:

    $fidoParser->registerFont("Times New Roman", 
    $fidoParser->registerFont("Times Roman", 
    $fidoParser->registerFont("Courier New", 
We now set up the zoom magnification factor (i.e. the number of pixels to be
used for each logical unit) and we ask to FidoReadPHP to create the image for 

    // We set up 2 pixels for each logical units and we ask FidoReadPHP to 
    // calculate the size of the image.
    $fidoParser->setupSize(2, -1, -1);
    // We create the image
    // We get the image
    $my_img = $fidoParser->getImage();

The member function setupSize requires the magnification factor as the first
argument. The two following arguments are the wanted height or width of the
image in pixels. If one of those two values is negative, FidoReadPHP will try
to calculate automatically the size of the image to fit the given drawing.

That is all. You may have a look at the index.php example file which is 
present in the src/ directory. It contains a rather minimal yet complete 

4 - Help wanted!

We are seeking for people interested to participate to the FidoReadPHP and
FidoCadJ projects.
If you want to do something, it is probably better to open a discussion in 
the SourceForge forums, in order that the work can eventually be shared and
organized between all developers.
Do not be afraid: all suggestion is very welcomed. Feel free to help us by
reporting a bug or by suggesting a new feature. You may use the tools
SourceForge offers to you:

Source: README, updated 2012-05-20