Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
toolbox_current_working_dir 2014-09-07
PulseGen 2014-02-03
PowerSat 2013-04-05
cwViewer 2013-01-14
cwPlotter-discontinued 2011-10-19
UPDATE.txt 2014-09-07 25.4 kB
LICENSE.txt 2014-09-07 19.7 kB
README.txt 2014-09-07 3.8 kB
toolbox_v14_09.zip 2014-09-07 5.9 MB
toolbox_v14_05.zip 2014-04-15 4.9 MB
toolbox_v13.12.zip 2013-12-11 3.9 MB
toolbox_v13.10.zip 2013-10-24 4.6 MB
toolbox_v13.07.zip 2013-07-07 5.3 MB
toolbox_v13.05.zip 2013-05-04 1.2 MB
toolbox_v13.04.zip 2013-04-05 1.2 MB
toolbox_v13.03.zip 2013-03-15 1.2 MB
toolbox_v13.02.zip 2013-02-06 1.2 MB
toolbox_v13.01.zip 2013-01-14 805.6 kB
toolbox_v12.12.zip 2012-12-07 803.1 kB
toolbox_v12.10.zip 2012-10-25 791.9 kB
toolbox_v12.8.zip 2012-08-15 741.8 kB
toolbox_v12.7.zip 2012-07-10 715.6 kB
toolbox_v12.6.zip 2012-05-30 671.6 kB
toolbox_v12.5.zip 2012-05-10 338.2 kB
toolbox_v12.2.zip 2012-03-02 286.5 kB
toolbox_v12.1.zip 2012-01-25 277.2 kB
toolbox_v11.11.zip 2011-10-19 351.6 kB
toolbox_v11.8.zip 2011-07-22 326.9 kB
toolbox_v11.6.zip 2011-05-27 216.8 kB
toolbox_v11.5.zip 2011-05-19 172.5 kB
toolbox_v11.4.zip 2011-04-15 84.9 kB
toolbox_v11.3.zip 2011-03-18 17.1 kB
Totals: 32 Items   36.0 MB 1

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                                        _                             _   
                                       | |                           | |  
  _ __ ___   ___  _ __ __ _  __ _ _ __ | |__  _   _  ___   _ __   ___| |_ 
 | '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '__/ _` |/ _` | '_ \| '_ \| | | |/ _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ __|
 | | | | | | (_) | | | (_| | (_| | | | | |_) | |_| |  __/_| | | |  __/ |_ 
 |_| |_| |_|\___/|_|  \__, |\__,_|_| |_|_.__/ \__, |\___(_)_| |_|\___|\__|
                       __/ |                   __/ |                      
                      |___/                   |___/                       

                                                   developed at the         
                                               University of East Anglia
                                             Weizmann Institute of Science
 M. Bye v14.09

Extract the zip folder
Add the folder to your MATLAB path
     File -> Set Path -> Add with Subfolders
     Save, Close.
Type "EPRtoolbox" in the MatLab command window to start the main toolbox
Type "PowerSat" to start the power saturation tool
    (also available through the main toolbox)

The toolbox contains many useful scripts that are not contained within the
main graphical user interface. Feel free to browse these at your leisure.
Each has an extensive help header section and will have a link to the online
help with examples of how to use the script.

For the most up-to-date information please see:

Prominent applications with their own webpages:

For the most recent releases:
sourceforge.net/projects/eprtoolbox     (general release)
github.com/morganbye/EPRtoolbox         (developer release)


As always for any problems, suggestions or contributions please contact me:
Or via the contact page on the website:

If you spot an error - please report them to me via email

If you'd like to contribute to the toolbox - please email

If you use the toolbox and feel like it's saved you time/effort/frustration
please consider buying me a coffee as saying thanks, or at least drop me an
email to say thanks, they really mean a lot to me!


Alberto Collauto - Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
	SpecMan file format

Frederic Mentink - Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
        PulseGen script writter

Help along the way

Müge Aksoyoglu - Uni. Freiburg, Germany
	BrukerRead and PowerSat error reporting
Ray Burton-Smith - Queen Mary, Uni. of London, UK
	Concept development (Beer!)
Gunnar Jeschke - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
	DeerAnalysis and MMM questions
Peter Meadows - Jeol (UK) Ltd, UK
	File format discussion
Alexander Morley - UEA, UK
        cwViewer and PowerSat error reporting
David Mulder - National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA
        cwViewer error reporting
        e2af inspiration
Patrick Pennington - Dartmouth, USA
	Concept development
Yevhen Polyhach - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
	MMM questions and development
Richard Rothery - Uni. of Alberta, Canada
	e2a and BrukerRead error reporting
Source: README.txt, updated 2014-09-07