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Wed Dec 24 01:46:27 EST 2014

README  for Depend Order Install List (doil)

	These files are the same on sf:

	NEW for doil !
		* big improvements since 5.9
		* more likely packaging (using automake)
		* see below !
		* real darn close to beta !

BUILD   will be easy as far as builds go

	$ tar -xzf doil-10.0.1.tar.gz
	$ cd doil-10.0.1
	$ ./configure
	$ make
	$ make install

     |      examples/       |

	* doil is like dpkg + dselect but with mini txt menus, quick

	* new capabilities working sorting dependancies
	  sorts really all and acting on in that ord, like make(1)

show-all  and  show-all-view

	* run INSTALL as regular user (in debian, or get an /etc/apt/apt.list)

	* start-fresh will build tables from a Packages files then
	  show titles of all debian packages (in /var/dpkg/available)
	  by total order of Depends (ie, libc6 first, glotski last)
		* a make process, re-builds if available has changed

	* big improvements since 5.9
	    + doilW wrapper for common -i -r makes use easy / typical
	    + many fixes - one to -r so high priority, softlink oops
	    + big speed improvement, gdeptrace's runs 1x instead of 3x
	    + some traveled conveniences and fluff added, logic preening

	* doil -W (alias doilW)
		uses small dpkg (in sh) to install/remove, and
		while hobbyish: does all typical things but
		faster than dpkg and hackable, and in tot. dep. ord

	* depend-order-install-source (partly works)
		make Sources (like Packages) and treat source as pkgs
		(only for install remove, not for compile)
		(back burner - may not be working well)
	* see examples/ for features and caps and docs
	* simpler to install and try
	* FAR closer to almost BETA !

* see full README.examples  tot. dep of avail v. tot dep of status

briefly, depend-order-install-list  (doil)

	* for use by experienced debian users only, see README.examples
	* depend-order-install-list can some apt-get(1) and dpkg(1) + new
	  not a replacement, for alternate use
	* does list ordering by depependancy, in make(1) ready fashion
		dkg, apt-get, BSD, et al cannot do (BSD appears to for src,
		it just follows list, no idea if missing/conflicts are ahead)
		debian demands orderless [install/remove] should work but
		some packages don't install (or esp make) if some depends
		are not "hello" before them
	* mini built-in conflicts resolver / asker (no graphics)
	* allows older or newer version to (try to) install
	* has a way to act on rdeps (associated pkg) on either -r or -u
	* can update Packages or Sources records lists
	* mini built-in hobby pkg(1)

other scripts
	* there are many utilities to see, all listed in README.examples


	# no longer needed
	#$ cd examples/
	## root user only - install bins only
	#$ make install  # run INSTALL -s
	#$ sh INSTALL

	# suggested not required, set default home
	echo "/var/debdep" >> ~/.debdep-loc
	mkdir -p /var/debdep
	cd /var/debdep

	# make new run dir, then show-all of available
	$ start-fresh newdir
	$ cd newdir
	$ shmake dep-sort
	$ show-all | less
	#   after first run it (tables built) it's much quicker
	#   records in newdir can point to any pkgs file

	# use doil , download one .deb
	$ cd ~/debdep
	$ mkdir tmp 	# for -C cachepath, if not root
	$ doil -C ~/tmp -d -d dlint
	#    the .deb is now in tmp/ (-d -d means dl pkglist only)

	# docs
	$ man ./depend-order-install.1
	$ man ./shmake.1  # a simple make(1)

	# README.examples has legend of files and their use
	# all gen. use utils now support -h

	start-fresh makes softlinks in newdir, builds tables for
	records file then shows gdeptrace sorted table.

	default record is /var/lib/dpkg/available, status too for doil
	(a plain text file containing description of each software)
	doil can create, these much like dselect(1), if asked

	doil needs the /debdep/ dir known globally, as above
	"shmake dep-sort ; show-all" alone doesn't need that

	testing/unsable: use doil with -e to review actions (do not apply)

	NOTE  to aptitude(1) users
	      aptitude uses private binary db but apt-get and doil use
	      plain text records: see README.examples, import/export

examples CHANGELOG  (last two):

doil (no. 10.0.1) testing; urgency=low
  * added automake packaging
  * now separate dl from gdeptrace-5.9.6 (which you still need though!)

 -- John Hendrickson <debguy@sourceforge.net>  Wed, 24 Dec 2014 01:53:23 -0500

gdeptrace-examples-update (no. 10) testing; urgency=high
  * -r has long not checked for dependancies, fixed
    big but simple ommision (due to softlink, start-fresh had changed)
    since about 9.4, status file was not copied from STATUS 2 to STATUS 1
    impact: -r may have left packages on system that depend on pkg not working
    to find orphans: (other than ignore and fix if ever needed)
      doil is built not to tamper with pkgs unrelated to request, so doil won't
      add / ask fix orphans unless related to current request
      check doil-status*/error* it should show a list of orphans seen
      or use dpkg tools, has an orphan finder somewhere
  * big speed improvement, runs gdeptrace only 1x instead of 3x per build
    had been designed to, but had been a remote need till recently
  * of {} || foo had mistakenly unactived set -e at a few places, fixed
    also a false negative on info/pkg.config success having been true
  * add: a few lesser ommisions, inconveniences, and minimalist fluff added
  * -W -g now runs dpkg-reconfigure, get asked full pkg config questions
    (this finalizes the features of -W intended to be supported, fixes aside)
  * more lax on on dropping the impossible from pkglist
    -s (static) is for getting "all or none of request" now
    + allow install on installed: many complain when they can't restore files
  * again it's almost beta, likely a few more things turn up before really
    being beta, so do not use -r -E (all rdeps) without hand checking !
    each works well when 1st made: needs to be all working at same time :)

 -- John Hendrickson <debguy@sourceforge.net>  Fri, 21 Nov 2014 15:25:36 -0500

gdeptrace-examples-update (no. 9.5.1) testing; urgency=medium
  * added supersede default has two glitches, fixed
    had not checked for empty tip-list replace and had skipped for -r

 -- John Hendrickson <debguy@sourceforge.net>  Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:07:47 -0500

Source: README.doil-10.1, updated 2016-08-22