Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2014-05-07 2.3 kB
diCal-v1.3.tar.gz 2014-05-07 602.1 kB
diCal-v1.2.tar.gz 2013-08-20 593.0 kB
diCal-v1.1.tar.gz 2013-06-17 494.0 kB
diCal-v1.0.tar.gz 2013-06-11 493.4 kB
Totals: 5 Items   2.2 MB 0
Copyright (c) 2013, Sara Sheehan, Kelley Harris, and Yun Song
License: FreeBSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)


Please refer to the accompanying manual (manual-v1.3.pdf) for usage instructions and contact information. Questions and suggestions for improvement are appreciated, please include "diCal" in the subject line of your email if possible.



NOTE: v1.3 has been updated
   -example parameter file now specifies that *theta* should be used for the mutation rate, not mu
   -includes an example parameter file suitable for humans

-Fixed bug that caused some slightly super-linear runtime in the number of discretization intervals.
-Added option for printing expected coalescent events in each time interval (note this is not linear in the number of discretization intervals).
-Also note that printing a decoding will not be linear in the number of discretization intervals.
-Now computes a suggested JVM memory flag (-Xmx) based on the input data.
-Other code clean up for consistency. 


-Supports VCF file format (use the provided converter to create a simplified VCF).
-Implements a decoding algorithm and corresponding M-step updates that are linear in the number of discretization intervals.
-The adaptive parameter pattern method is no longer supported since it does not work well with the linear implementation (might be updated in the future).
-Some of the input flags have changed to be more intuitive and compatible with the PSMC (see manual-v1.2.pdf).
-General refactoring and code cleanup, added unit tests.


-Supports missing bases (N/n).
-Supports multiple chromosomes/scaffolds per individual.
-Updated decoding format and additional decoding option.
-Small change to the emission computation for numerical stability.


-Initial release.

-The Java Matrix Package (Jama-1.0.2.jar) was unavailable during the lapse in U.S. government funding. It is currently available as described in the manual, but it can also be found on Google code at https://code.google.com/p/relativelayout/downloads/detail?name=Jama-1.0.2.jar&can=2&q=.
-The files diCal.tar.gz and diCal-2013-06-10.tar.gz have been renamed to diCal-v1.0.tar.gz and diCal-v1.1.tar.gz, respectively.
Source: README.txt, updated 2014-05-07