Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Previous Versions 2015-06-13
Screenshots 2011-12-19
README.txt 2015-06-14 3.4 kB
DarkMasterSetup_1.15.exe 2015-06-14 4.2 MB
Totals: 4 Items   4.2 MB 2
Dark Master

Dark Master is a small Windows (.Net) application that helps astrophotographers organize their light and dark frames based on temperature. It outputs file lists that are readable by DeepSkyStacker.

To install, download the DarkMasterSetup_n.n.exe file, which is a self-extracting archive. It will extract its contents and begin the installation. Once installed, it will launch Dark Master. Setup will also create a Program Group in the Start Menu.

DeepSkyStacker Integration
Dark Master outputs a text file that is in a format that DSS will understand. The file list contains definitions for file groups, each of which contains both lights and darks for that group. When the file list is loaded into DSS, the Main Group will not be populated. It is expected that you will populate the Main Group with Bias, Flats, and DarkFlats that may apply to ALL of the Groups. If your Bias/Flats/Dark Flats are Group-specific, then they will need to be loaded into the appropriate Group(s) within DSS.

Dark Master does not deal with Bias, Flats or Dark Flats.

FITS Support
As of v1.11, DarkMaster has added support for FITS images, such as those taken by CCDs. If your image acquisition tool creates FITS and you want DarkMaster to support it, please contact me. I will need an example FITS image file. 

It has been tested with files created by:

   * Sequence Generator Pro 2.1.12
   * Nebulosity 3.1.0 

Version History
v1.15 Fixed bug with DSS file output. Changed folder browse dialog to a "Win 7" look-and-feel. Temp Tolerance value is now saved when you exit the program.

v1.14 Fixed bug with "Include subdirectories"

v1.13 Added support for file extension filtering during load. Minor bug fixes.

v1.12 Fixed exception bug where image files report shutter speed as a decimal (360.1). DarkMaster will truncate to Integer values in this case. Compiled using Visual Studio 2013. Bundled latest exiftool v9.9.7.0.

v1.11 Added support for some FITS files. Other FITS files may work. Send me an example FIT if you want support added for your FITS files!

v1.9 Fixed config exception. Added support for exposure time tolerance.

v1.8 Report a Bug menu option. Donate menu option

v1.7 Allow column sorting and ordering in File Lists. Ability to save each DSS group into a separate file. Change to matching algorithm to allow same dark in multiple groups (even though DSS doesn't allow this). Small UI fixes.

v1.6 Requires .Net 4.0. Added Image Statistics form. Removed help PDF and redirected to online Wiki instead. Changed icon. Moved "Settings..." to Tools menu and changed it to "Options...". Added ability to configure DSS file encoding. Default to "Windows-1252" so special chars in file/directory names will work.

v1.5 Ability to save file lists.

v1.4 Ability to check/uncheck files in the file lists. UI improvements. Conversion of install to InnoSetup. Identification of Dark/Light in matched list view.

v1.3 Matched group ListView->Expand on window resize. Changed version to auto build/revision, so the UI title will only show the Major.Minor, but Help->About will show full.

v1.2.0.1 Collapsable groups. Support for C/F setting. Bug fix for temperature grouping.

v1.0.0.2 Initial release
Source: README.txt, updated 2015-06-14