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README.txt 2010-05-05 3.7 kB
binary.zip 2010-03-14 1.1 MB
source_and_binary.zip 2010-03-14 3.3 MB
Totals: 3 Items   4.5 MB 0
#    Outline:
#    1. Introduction
#    2. How to install the monitored computer component
#    3. How to install the record/report component

# 1. Introduction

This computer monitoring system was developed to solve limitation in an existing system,
and to be OpenSource software for anyone who interest can use it and continue to enhance it
without any expenses. This system is divided into three components, which are a monitored
computer component, a record component and a report component. This system was developed
on Window XP and Linux Fedora version 10 by using C/C++, Java and PHP programming languages.
In addition, the development of this system also requires the knowledge in Win32 API programming,
Digital Image Compression technology and Inter Process Communication theory.

# 2. How to install the monitored computer component

This component should be installed on Windows XP Service Pack 2 step by step as follows.
1.) Copy the "ComputerMonitoring/bin" directory into a location/directory that you want to install.
2.) Copy the "ComputerMonitoring/ComputerMonitoring.bat" file into the same location/directory
      in the 1st step
3.) Open "ComputerMonitoring/ComputerMonitoring.vbs" by a file editor, and edit the path to run
      the ".bat" file (the 2nd line) to the location/directory that has been installed in the 2nd step.
4.) Copy "ComputerMonitoring/ComputerMonitoring.vbs" the script file after finish editing in
      the 3rd step into the "C:\Documents and Settings\ All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
      directory in order to make the ".bat" file start after Windows OS is powered on.
5.) Restart your computer to start working.

# 3. How to install the record/report component

Installing these components should be performed on a system server that is Linux Fedora version 10.
Here are prerequisite softwares which are need to be installed before installing these components.
        - xinetd
        - Apache Web Server
        - PHP Interpreter
        - MySQL Database Server
        - phpMyAdmin
*NOTE*, all of above softwares can be found in the Fedora Linux version 10 install CD/DVD
or via http://rpm.pbone.net
After everything is ready, please go to the steps as follows,
1.) Copy the "BufferRecordServer/bin" directory into the "/usr/local/BuffServer" directory.
      (you must create it by yourself)
2.) Copy the "BufferRecordServer/resource/initd/BufInfo" script file into the "/etc/rc.d/init.d" directory.
3.) Create "/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/$SXXBufInfo" as a symbolic link (XX value should be greater than 60)
      to point to the file that is installed in the 2nd step in order to make that script run after a server
      is powered on.  (you can change from "rc5.d" to another initial level as you want)
4.) Copy the "BufferRecordServer/resource/xinetd/buffservice" file into the "/etc/xinet.d" directory
      in order to make the xinetd program open a socket connection at the port 40001 and forward a connection
      to the program that are installed in the 1st step.
5.) Import the "BufferRecordServer/resource/db/MonitoringDB.sql" file into the MySQL database by
6.) Copy the"BufferRecordServer/web/ComputerMonitoringSystem" direcotry into the directory that is used
      to put a web site(general is /var/www/html) in order to make a server to support web page requesting
      to monitor this monitored component.

Finally, if you have any questions or problems, you can contact me via tombarball@gmail.com
Source: README.txt, updated 2010-05-05