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README.txt 2010-12-01 3.9 kB
beasties_1.2.1.tar.bz2 2010-12-01 15.5 kB
Totals: 2 Items   19.4 kB 0
 ___ ___  ___  ___________ _____ ___ ____
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BEASTIES ver. 1.2.1
BY PCGuyIV - Copyright (C) 2010
e-Mail: pcguyiv@users.sf.net
Released under GPL v. 3


NOTE: Currently, Beasties is written in Python (ver. 2.5), and as such, is only
===== offered as a source file.  I may switch to a compiled language at some
      point, but for now, please make sure you have Python installed on your
      system, and that it is at version 2.5 or newer.  Otherwise you won't be
      able to run the program.

Contents of beasties_1.2.1.tar.bz2:
- beasties.py (Python source-code)
- license.txt (A copy of GPL v. 3)
- README.txt (ReadMe file)

Changes since 1.2.0
- Number of monsters increased to 6
- Number of medicines increased to 4
- Strength of attacks increased overall.
- Health of Monsters & Player increased.
- Knife can be repaired twice

Changes since 1.1.0
- Gun's maximum damage has been reduced.
- Ability to reload gun once has been added.
- Ability to quit the game from the attack menu added.

Changes since 1.0.0
- Health/Damage System is now points based rather than percentage based.
- Punches have a higher maximum damage, but can still result in 0 damage.
- Knife breaks instead of being lost.  It can be repaired once.  If it breaks a
  second time, it's destroyed for the remainder of the game.
- The gun's maximum damage has been slightly reduced.
- Monsters have a slightly higher maximum damage, but can still do as little as
  0 damage.

Installation Instructions:
As this isn't a binary, there is no real installation.  Simply unpack the
tarball into the desired location.  If you are a Linux user, you should already
be familiar with this process.  For Windows users who aren't familiar with these
kinds of archives (*.tar.bz2 or *.tar.gz), I suggest you download 7-zip, as it
will handle practically any archive ever made.

Run Under Windows:
Often, if Python is properly installed, all you have to do is double-click on
the source file and Python will start up in a command-promt and run the file.
If this does not work, make sure Python is properly installed.  If it is, then
open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where the source file is
located, then type the following command at the prompt:


Since this program does use the system command to clear the screen, it behaves
oddly if you run it in Python's IDLE graphic interface.

Run Under Linux:
Make sure you have full rights on the directory where you unpack the tarball.
Open up a terminal and navigate to the directory where you unpacked the tarball.
Type in the following command at the prompt:

     python beasties.py

Since this program does use the system command to clear the screen, it behaves
oddly if you run it in Python's IDLE graphic interface.

This particular release had two major problems and has therefore been removed
from the available files.
- There were two major logic errors that were discovered after posting.
- It should have been released as 1.1.0 in the first place.
Had I released it as 1.1.0 in the first place, then the correction of the
logic errors could have merely been included in release 1.1.1.  Since it was
misnumbered, it has been removed.  If further flaws are found in 1.1.0, they
will be corrected and released as 1.1.1 and so forth until the next set of
major revisions to the existing components.  The progression will reach
version 2 when the next major element(s) of the "final" game is/are added.

Source: README.txt, updated 2010-12-01