Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
include 2011-08-29
tester 2011-08-13
libs 2011-08-13
badDFT2.lnx64.tar.gz 2011-08-29 13.1 MB
README.txt 2011-08-29 5.2 kB
badDFT2.mac64.tar.gz 2011-08-29 10.8 MB
badDFT2.lnx32.tar.gz 2011-08-29 13.7 MB
Doxyfile 2011-08-13 65.4 kB
Totals: 8 Items   37.7 MB 4
----------------------------- Introduction ---------------------------------
Libraries for working with any configuration of 1D, 2D and/or 3D dynamic 
fields. This code is the implementation of the mathematical theory known 
as Dynamic Field Theory (Erlhagen and Schöner, 2002). The whole library 
is based on the Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives libraries for 
Intel® Architectures. The main reason for using IPP was to improve the 
speed of all the convolutions required in this approach.


----------------------------- Requirements ---------------------------------
- libconfig++ (Necessary): 	
		 All the parameters for fields and kernels, as 
		well as the connections between fields in a specific network 
		are passed using configuration files based on 'libconfig++'.
- Qt-4.7+ (Optional):	
		 Qt is necessary only if you want to use the 
		graphical interface for working with dynamic fields.
- OpenGL (Optional):	 But necessary if working with the GUI.


-------------------------------- Contents ----------------------------------
- README.txt	This file.
- Doxyfile	Source file to create the documentation for this libraries.
- include:
	- lnx32:	Linux 32bit version of headers for all libraries. 
			Tested with Ubuntu 11.04, kernel 2.6.38-10
	- lnx64:	Linux 64bit version of headers for all libraries. 
			Tested with Ubuntu 11.04, kernel 2.6.38-10
	- mac64:	MacOS 64bit version of headers for all libraries. 
- tester:
	- CMakeLists.txt:	Configuration file for CMake
	- mainTest.cpp:		Compilation of tests for DFT
	- confFiles:		Folder containing examples of configuration 
				files for working with the badDFT2 library.
- libs:
	- lnx32:	Linux 32bit version of all libraries. 
			Tested with Ubuntu 11.04, kernel 2.6.38-10
	- lnx64:	Linux 64bit version of all libraries. 
			Tested with Ubuntu 11.04, kernel 2.6.38-10
	- mac64:	MacOS 64bit version of all libraries. 
	badGUI		Binary for the graphical user interface. 
	libbadDFT2.xx		Dynamic Field C++ library (Release version)
	libbadDFT2_d.xx		Dynamic Field C++ library (Debug version)
	libbadTools.xx		Math tools used in DFT (Release version)
	libbadTools_d.xx	Math tools used in DFT (Debug version)
	libbadIPP.xx		IPP functions (Non-threaded version)
	libbadIPP_t.xx		IPP functions (Threaded version)
	libimf.xx libsvml.xx libintlc.xx libiomp5.xx (Intel core libraries)


-------------------------------- How to use --------------------------------
- tester:	Assuming you have CMake: 
		> mkdir build
		Be sure that LINK_DIRECTORIES( ${BAD_LIBS}/libs ) inside
		CMakeLists.txt points to the right location of badDFT2, 
		badTools and badIPP(_t)
		> cd build
		> cmake ..
		> make
		> ./badTest [verbose]
		> [select one of the options presented...]
		If using 'verbose' several text files will be created 
		depending on the selection of the configuration file.
- badGUI:	Be sure to have all Qt and OpenGL libraries installed before 
		running this binary. It is also important to include the 
		path to the previous libraries in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux) 
	==>>	This GUI has still a lot of work to be done, and a lot of
		bugs to be fixed. Any help would be very much appreciated.
		Sources to this GUI can be downloaded from this repository:
svn co https://badgui2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/badgui2 badgui2

		You could start testing the GUI using the same configuration
		files from the ../tester/confFiles folder. Once you chose a
		configuration file you'll have the network representing that
		file in the center of the GUI. 
		- Double click into any object to access a dialog with it's 
		parameters and modified them if	necessary.
		- Add an Input object and connect it to a field.
		- A double click on the Input will let you see a dialog for
		modifying the parameters of a stimulus depending on the 
		dimensionality of the fields to which the inputs are 
		- Pushing the Play button in the main window will start the
		simulation which contains the activations of the fields
		created in the network.
		- Modifying the input (gain, position or width) should have 
		a real-time effect on the activations of the fields.
		- You can pause and reset the activation of the fields with
		the buttons in the main window.


---------------------------------- TODO ----------------------------------
==>>	So far it is possible to create networks of 1D, 2D and 3D
	fields, 1D- connected to 2D-fields and vice versa but not
	3D- to lower dimensional fields. 
==>> 	Modification of parameters in running time.
==>>	Selection of external stimuli (robots)
==>> 	Sequences

Help with developing the GUI, comments and suggestions will be very 
welcome. Please send them to boris.duran@his.se or directly through the
SourceForge page of the GUI:



Boris Duran

Source: README.txt, updated 2011-08-29