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readme.txt 2012-03-13 2.9 kB
StyledHtml-2.2.0.s5.sp1.zip 2012-03-13 5.9 MB
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2.2.0s5.sp1: exit bug fixed

  Now -exit exits cleanly
  This is a plugin-only release. Just unzip it over your Archi installation.

2.2.0s5: command line

	Archi -load <mode> -targetdir <targetdir> -runstyle <stylefile> -exit
  You can omit any of the above, except runstyle needs load.
  Exit not shuts down cleanly yet.

2.2.0s5: generated attribute

  properties now have a "generated" attribute

2.2.0s3: movearound for relations

    lifted movearound restriction for relations: relations are found anywhere in the model

2.2.0s1: saxon, log copy, cleanup in load
It should work with Archi 2.2.0 beta and 2.2.0beta1.styledhtml
    closes #3: xslt processor changed to Saxon HE We now support xslt 2.0
    closes #11: keep="false" honoured inside <load> as well
    closes #13: <copy> logs what it does

2.2.0beta1.styledhtml: Followup release for Archi 2.2.0 beta

2.1: Followup release for Archi 2.1
changes since 1.6:
-- works with Archi 2.1
- processing is itself defined by an xml file
 - you can <export> a model in either archi's xml format or in the "enriched" one
 - you can run <transform>ations written in both python and xslt
 - you can save <diagrams>
 - you can <copy> files to the target
- would more or less work with a CDO-enabled Archi if we had a stable one

There are prepackaged versions with a slightly modified Archi, with the following features:
- movearound patch: you can move your elements between layers. There is a configuration option for this
- more forgiving for broken models
- styledhtml module in it

I am succesfully using this version to generate two Security Targets and the accompanying documentation required by the Common Criteria methodology from a single modell, where some parts of the information cannot be shared between the documents, and for some information the document must show both systems. In some cases I am even using the same diagrams, hiding the other system's information. Some parts of the documentation (rationale) contain data pulled in from chains of four interconnected elements. The style creates html (and pdf using xhtm2pdf) documentation  in 3-5 processing steps depending on the type of the doument.
In an other project I am using this tool to generate firewall ruleset based on the applications' structure and their deployment layout.

The above is to illustrate how powerful this tool is. If you want to create real-world structured documentation adhering to already existing document standards on complex issues or generate machine-readable configuration out of the model, this is the tool you are looking for.

Yes, I plan to make a release for 2.2 as well, but don't know whether I will have time for this.

You help me a lot by sharing your experiences, asking questions, reporting bugs and feature requests.
Don't hesitate to file a bug report for any of the above at https://sourceforge.net/p/archistyledhtml/tickets/
Source: readme.txt, updated 2012-03-13