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The Game-Changing URL Builder For Your Marketing Campaigns Icon
The Game-Changing URL Builder For Your Marketing Campaigns

Saves time by automating campaign conventions and UTM Link creation

CampaignTrackly is a SaaS-based platform that automates the process of adding tracking tags to digital links. The platform enables businesses to build a centralized, consistent and standardized link-tracking strategy in a simple and cost-effective way. It removes ambiguities, simplifies processes and empowers marketers to be in control of their campaign setup and reporting process without the need to use IT code or manual operations. Its ease of use promotes consistency and high adoption rates among platform users, resulting in enhanced insights into the customer journeys and marketing budget spend, which in turn, helps businesses optimize their promotions to increase revenue streams. The platform boasts over 45 automation features across standard Google Analytics, Adobe and Custom tags, as well as, extensive tag library management capabilities, friendly reporting functions, sophisticated team access level management and more.
Cycloid is an engineering platform that improves the developer and end-user experience Icon
Cycloid is an engineering platform that improves the developer and end-user experience

For Developers, DevOps, IT departments, MSPs, Platform Engineering teams

Empower end-users and improve operational efficiency with your own opinionated Engineering Platform.
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Simplify Your Fleet Tracking with Fleet Telematics

Asset and Fleet Tracking Software Powered by GPS Tracking Technology

Our non-proprietary GPS tracking devices and software works with virtually any third-party system. This versatility enables you to integrate Rastrac’s equipment or software into your existing systems, saving you time, energy, and money.
Case Management Software for Nonprofits Icon
Case Management Software for Nonprofits

CharityTracker offers easy-to-use case management software for nonprofits, helping them track assistance, measure outcomes, and generate reports.

A case management CRM that focuses on your clients, to measure real-world impact, not just data. Your Day Just Got Shorter - We know you’re busy and don’t have time for complicated software – We’ve changed that! Even your staff will enjoy using the system – No more headaches and missing data from reports so you can use your valuable time to serve more people. CharityTracker is a cloud-based, HIPAA compliant software that’s easy to use for nonprofits of all sizes. With no setup fees, hidden fees, or contracts, you can cancel anytime! Our time saving solution provides a secure way to streamline how you manage cases, record case notes & assistance, create reports, collaborate, set goals, measure outcomes, make referrals & prove your impact with change-over-time reports for your funders. We're at work in 2,200 communities! Book a free demo. Pricing starts at just $20/mo. user
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DNS-layer security for businesses

Modern cybersecurity, streamlined and scalable

Cisco Umbrella is cloud-delivered enterprise network security which provides users with a first line of defense against cybersecurity threats.

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