Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
alephxharvester.tar.gz 2012-01-30 3.5 kB
README.txt 2011-09-26 1.2 kB
Totals: 2 Items   4.8 kB 0
this simple script is working best together with vufind, with a view customizations it can work independently.

it uses the find and present syntax of aleph x server documented here:

if you have other possibilities like oai-pmh, it is preferrable to use this.
aleph X server has some limitations like it cannot present more than 1000 records at once, thats why i harvest records per year and if the limit of 1000 records is esceeded, i refine the search parameters like searching from A-Z.



* bash
* wget
* xmlstarlet

necessary customizations/configurations:

the script contains some variables, that should be customized:

$config      ... location of config parameters file (allows multiple servers)
$logfile     ... location of logfile
$harvest_dir ... location of directory for harvesting result

harvest-X server parameters:
$x_server_url ... X server url ( e.g. http://aleph.yourdomain/X )
$base         ... name of your base on x server ( e.g. ORG01 )
$year_key     ... key of indexed publishing year ( e.g. WYR )
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-09-26