
ZTAB / Blog: Recent posts

2016-0-0-0 : New ZTAB Version


After several tries, this version introduce the capacity to define AND and OR conditions that allow to trigger an action.


Posted by Ztab 2016-02-02 Labels: 2016-0-0-0

2016 : Happy new year and beta version

First of all, I would like to whish you an happy new year 2016, of course.

But I also would like to announce a beta version of ZTAB 2016,introducing AND and OR conditions.
It was not easy to make something both usefull and ergonomic, but I think this has lead to a good compromised.

Tell me what you think about it.

Posted by Ztab 2016-01-03

2015-0-1-0 : New version of ZTAB


The new version is here. Here is what I have done :

  • Lots of minor bugs corrections.
  • Ergonomic simplification of options
  • Better ergonomy for images composition
  • Doc enhancement to better explain how conditions are working


Posted by Ztab 2015-03-14 Labels: 2015-0-1-0

2015-0-0-0 : The new ZTAB is here

Hello, a lot of changes for this version :

80% of the core engine has been rewritten, to emprove performances and ergonmy.
Then ZTAB has been relooked to fit to flat design.

The following functionnalities have also been introcuded in this version :
66 Copy and paste functionalities.
65 Load and Save for player : to save your progression in a game.
64 mp3, ogg support
63 Graph multiselection (with the shift key)
60 Main engine full rewrote for extensibility and performance improvements
59 Facts inheritance (to help designing facts that are quite the sames, but a bit different anyway)
58 Pluggin system for import/​export (Allows you to wrote your own generation in the format you want)
57 Speech synthesis (the computer reads the adventure for you)
56 Image positionning and resizing (image composition). The image design is much easier than before.... read more

Posted by Ztab 2014-12-24 Labels: 2015-0-0-0

Beta version of v2014-1-0-0


Thanks to some alpha testers, I corrected some bugs from the alpha version.
Now I can commit a beta version, and the more you will be to help me testing it, the more reliable the final version will be.

Thank you

Posted by Ztab 2014-10-07

What's new in the v2014-1-0-0-alpha ?

This version is a full rewrote in order to improve extensibility and performance.

It allows me to introduce Facts inheritance (Hability to define once a set of images, sounds and text, and share it to several Fact)

Now the import/export functionalities have been separated through a pluggin system. Anyone who wants to add its one import / export format can download the pluggin developpment kit and create it.... read more

Posted by Ztab 2014-07-29

v2014.1.0.0 alpha version commited

I commited an alpha version of the ZTAB v2014.1.0.0

This is a test "alpha" version with certainly a couple of bugs. So please be carrefull (Go to the download section to get it)

Posted by Ztab 2014-07-24

Next release should be a big one


As I was facing lots of limitations and border effects with the library I used to simplify the programmation, I decided to rewrite the core of the application in a more classical way.

Now the work is 80% done for the editor. It will allow me to integrate actions inheritance and fact text inheritance, but also to write a new player, much more pretty than the previous one.

If everything is ok, this should lead to a release for september, taking into account lot of non regression tests.... read more

Posted by Ztab 2014-05-16

2014-0-1-0 : ZTAB now offers "any Text" import (text parsing), specific views system

ZTAB (Ze Text Adventure Builder) 2014-0-1-0 is available.

This version introduces new functionalities:

  • View for specific interest (redaction, graph, media, ...) (ticket 53)
  • text parser for import (ticket 51)
  • Page break option for RTF, PDF and print generation (ticket 52)
  • minor bug correction (ticket 54, 56, and placement in places)

Enjoy !

Posted by Ztab 2014-02-27 Labels: v2014-0-1-0

2014-0-1-0 Beta : ZTAB now offers "any Text" import (text parsing), specific views system

ZTAB (Ze Text Adventure Builder) 2014-0-1-0 Beta is available.

This version introduces new functionalities:

  • View for specific interest (redaction, graph, media, ...) (ticket 53)
  • text parser for import (ticket 51)
  • Page break option for RTF, PDF and print generation (ticket 52)
  • minor bug correction

Note that this is still a Beta Version, so do not hesitate to give feedbacks.

Enjoy !

Posted by Ztab 2014-01-31

2014-0-0-0 : Happy new year, Navigation backbutton, Quest import/export, Ren'Py generation and Place system

ZTAB (Ze Text Adventure Builder) 2014-0-0-0 is available.

First of all, I would like to whish you a happy new year !

For this new year I commit the version 2014 of ZTAB. It introduces new functionalities:

  • Generation subdirectoris for all modules (ticket 50)
  • Navigation back button (ticket 48)
  • ASLX files import and export (tickets 45 and 46)
  • REN'PY project generation (ticket 47)

And certainly the most interessant new functionnality :... read more

Posted by Ztab 2013-12-31

Your whishes...

For ZTAB future evolutions after v2014.0.0.0, I wonder what would be your main expectations. Please let me know, its Christmas...

Posted by Ztab 2013-12-20 Labels: Evolutions

2014-0-0-0 Beta : ZTAB now offers Navigation backbutton, Quest import/export, Ren'Py generation, Place system

ZTAB (Ze Text Adventure Builder) 2014-0-0-0 Beta is available.

This version introduces new functionalities:

  • Generation subdirectoris for all modules (ticket 50)
  • Navigation back button (ticket 48)
  • ASLX files import and export (tickets 45 and 46)
  • REN'PY project generation (ticket 47)

And certainly the most interessant new functionnality :

  • the ability to group Facts into other Facts, (that may conditions other actions). (ticket 33)
    I hope, this should bring you a very powerfull way to better structurate your project.... read more
Posted by Ztab 2013-12-12 Labels: ZTAB Import Export Generation Quest Ren'Py Place

ZTAB on twitter

ZTAB is on now on twitter.

You can follow ZTAB activies here :

Posted by Ztab 2013-11-08 Labels: ZTAB Twitter

2013-0-5-1 : ZTAB now offers TWS import/export, clickable PDF and EPUB generations

ZTAB (Ze Text Adventure Builder) 2013-0-5-1 is here.

This version introduces new functionalities:

  • TWS files import and export (tickets 40 and 41)
  • configurable PDF generation (ticket 39)
  • configurable EPUB generation (ticket 44)
  • availability to add comments on Facts (ticket 43)

Bug corrections (ticket 42)

Documentation enhancement for explaining TWS import and export, PDF and EPUB generation and configuration.... read more

Posted by Ztab 2013-11-07 Labels: ZTAB 2013-0-5-1

2013-0-5-0 : ZTAB now offers AVH import and export

ZTAB (Ze Text Adventure Builder) 2013-0-5-0 is here.

This version introduces new functionalities:

  • AVH files import and export (ticket 34)
  • Print and generation refactoring (speed up, consequence of ticket 34)
  • Availability to define chapter number (linked to ticket 34)
  • minor Graph acceleration (ticket 24)

Bug corrections (tickets 35, 36, 37, 38)

Documentation enhancement for explaining AVH import and export (ticket 34)... read more

Posted by Ztab 2013-10-08 Labels: 2013-0-5-0 ZTAB

ZTAB is on facebook

Hello, you can now follow ZTAB news on facebook here :

Best regards,

Posted by Ztab 2013-09-18 Labels: facebook ZTAB

New version 2013-0-4-0 : Here comes the french translation, graph acceleration, and generation configuration

ZTAB (Ze Text Adventure Builder) 2013-0-4-0 is here.

This version introduces new functionalities:

  • HTML generation configuration. You can add javascript, CSS and your own HTML templates. (tickets 29 and 30)
  • Specific panel for generation and publishing (ticket 27)
  • Graph acceleration (ticket 24)
  • Multilanguage mechanism has been implemented. Now ZTAB is available in French and English (ticket 1)... read more
Posted by Ztab 2013-07-12 Labels: 2013-0-4-0 Graph acceleration Multilanguage Generation configuration

2013-0-3-0 : New Version

ZTAB (Ze Text Adventure Builder) 2013-0-3-0 is here.
This version introduces new functionalities:
* Generation of RTF files: the book is named book.rtf and is located in the html generation directory. (ticket 20)
* statistic panel to a summary of your game in real time (ticket 16)
* French documentation (ticket 13)
* Autolayout for graph : ZTAB can auto place your facts and actions in the graph (ticket 11)
* Load and save fact text to or from RTF files. (ticket 8)
* add several images or sounds to a fact (no more only one), and reuse them in other facts (tickets 17 and 22)
* adding version number to archive (ticket 22)... read more

Posted by Ztab 2013-05-03 Labels: ZTAB v2013-0-3-0

Real version 2013-0-2-0

I made a mistake in the files I posted yesterday.

Now there are the good ones.

Posted by Ztab 2013-04-05

2013-0-2-0 : New Version (milestone 1.0)

ZTAB (Ze Text Adventure Builder) 2013-0-2-0 is here.
This version introduces new functionalities:

  • generation of flat HTML gamebooks: the book is named book.html and is located in the html generation directory. (ticket 9)
  • define read pasword that prevent people to open your project (event for playing), Edit password still remains, of course. (ticket 6)
  • define which text will replace "==>" for meaning "go to". (ticket 5)
  • highlight as light warning (yellow circles) when a fact or action are not filled. (ticket 7)
  • ergonomy using Right click (ticket 2)... read more
Posted by Ztab 2013-04-04 Labels: ZTAB 2013-0-2-0

English documentation is here

I wrote a tutorial explaining how to use ZTAB Editor for creating a first simple game.

Please find it there

and do not hesitate to give feedback.

Thank you

Posted by Ztab 2013-03-07

Documentation is coming

I have written a tutorial document in english, explaning the main functionalities of ZTAB with a simple example.
The text is ready, I just have to add some pictures to better illustrate.

Posted by Ztab 2013-03-04

2013-0-1-0 : ZTAB pass to release

  • Some minor bugs have been corrected. The tests are good enough to pass it to release.
  • The general ergonomy has been enhanced by introducing quick "Add", "Remove" and "Locate" buttons for facts and actions.
  • Now example, editor and runner (player) can be downloaded separately. So you can publish your game and point to

Download Editor here :
Download game example here : read more

Posted by Ztab 2013-02-27

2013 version is here

allow bold, underline, italic, font size, font color for texts
enhanced html display
publish html to a website
print as a book

Posted by Ztab 2013-02-15