Uldis Valneris - 2012-10-25

UltraDBC general info

UltraDBC is command line program, that compares data in Microsoft SQL Server tables located in different databases/servers. It provides many command line switches for better program control.

I created this tool when I wasted two days trying to find freeware database data compare tool. There are great freeware tools, that compare database schema like Open DBDiff(http://opendbiff.codeplex.com/) and DBComparer (http://dbcomparer.com/). But there isn't any that would simply compare Microsoft SQL table data.


  • Multi threaded program - uses all available CPU cores for comparing and uses two cores for data reading.
  • Supports Microsoft SQL Servers starting from version 7.0.
  • Simultaneous data reading from databases.
  • Save SQL script to file and/or display to console. Script later can be executed with SQLCMD, OSQL or opened in any SQL Server administrator software (like Enterprise Manager).
  • Limit update commands produced: Delete, Insert, Update can separately be excluded from result script.
  • Choose between Windows Integrated and SQL server authentication modes.
  • Control program entirely with command line switches, and use it in batch processing.
  • Ability to limit comparing to subset of rows specified in where clause.

For complete software manual visit [Software manual].

Wishlist (Planned features)

  • Multiple table comparison
  • Compare table column specifications before actual row compare;
  • Support settings file in addition to command line;
  • Support for MySql.
  • Add transaction support option in generated script.

For detailed planned features list, please visit [Planned feature list].

Current Limitations

  • Can compare only single pair of tables per run.
  • Does not check for column equality - just assumes they're equal.

Tools needed to run software

This software will run on any Windows, that has Microsoft .NET framework 2.0 or newer installed. Therefore program will run correctly on: Windows 98SE, Me, Windows 2000 SP6, Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7, Windows 2003 server, 2008 Server and 2008 R2 server. If somebody has tested it on other platforms - please let me know, to add to this list.

Currently software is tested on Windows 7 and Windows 8. Fell free to check on other Windows versions, and let us know other platforms where software also works.

If anybody wants take part in this project - you're Welcome.

This program is completely free. In case of questions - please contact me at uldisval@gmail.com or post in message board at http://sourceforge.net.

Visit us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/UltraDBC/200392320095959



Wiki: Planned feature list
Wiki: Software manual

Last edit: Uldis Valneris 2013-01-18