
ZMapServer / News: Recent posts

ZCO 0.3.1 and ZCO Manual

New and improved ZCO release is available today from the projects download page, and the beginning of a user manual is at the URL

Posted by Sean Gillies 2005-01-04

Python mapscript 4.4 and ZCO for win32

I've fixed the bug 1084 in MapServer and have put together a mapscript 4.4.0 (beta3) package for windows:

This has GD/GIF, GDAL raster, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, and WMS support. This will allow windows users to try the ZCO product (ZMapServer 2). The required Python Cartographic Library and ZCO are also available through sourceforge. See the latest file releases at:... read more

Posted by Sean Gillies 2004-11-27

PCL 0.4 and ZCO (ZMapServer 2) Preview

I've finally put together a preview release of what I have referred to as "ZMapServer 2" and what I am now calling Cartographic Objects for Zope or ZCO. This release contains a demo with a group of pre-defined data sources, layers, and styles based on the MapServer 4.4.0-beta testing data. Also included are two Python scripts and a ZPT that demonstrate the way to program Zope apps using the new product.... read more

Posted by Sean Gillies 2004-11-25

MapServer 4.2.5 Release

MapServer 4.2.5 is a must-upgrade release for ZMapServer users as it fixes the logical expressions broken in the 4.2.4 release. URL:

Posted by Sean Gillies 2004-10-20

ZMapServer 0.7.7 Release

This release might as well be version oh point seven bazillion because it is one bazillion times more stable and useful than the earlier 0.7 versions. You can now use it in Zope's default multithreaded mode with no more problems than you might expect from alpha software. After two caffeine- and beer-powered late night sessions running Zope with ZMapServer under gdb, I found and fixed a rather small but lethal bug in my code. This one was all my fault and had nothing particularly to do with MapServer or the Python mapscript module.

Posted by Sean Gillies 2004-10-11

Python Cartographic Library 0.3

This version adds a simple querying API inspired by the Python DB-API to cover existing functionality of the MapServer mapscript query API. Query results are no longer stored in a Layer but in a cursor-like query object, and feature geometries are now returned by default. Only queryByPoint-like operations are included in this release, the others should follow soon. read more

Posted by Sean Gillies 2004-09-12

Python Cartographic Library 0.2

This version includes support for OGC SLD documents to control presentation of map layers, which are intended to be a complete replacement for the traditional MapServer classes and styles in future releases of ZMapServer.

Posted by Sean Gillies 2004-09-02

A Python Cartographic Library

I am finally following through on my threat, or promise :), to start a new and improved MapServer scripting package for Python. This is a bit different than what I have showed to others recently because it focuses strictly upon the map rendering API subset.

A introductory web page is at

API documentation generated by epydoc read more

Posted by Sean Gillies 2004-08-30