
ZervCMS / News: Recent posts

ZervCMS 1.3 release

Finally after six months I have released ZervCMS 1.3. There are a number of key updates, including WYSWIYG support and full text searching on documents.

It's starting to lean a bit more towards an application framework rather than a pure CMS, but we'll see how it goes

Posted by Quentin Zervaas 2005-12-13

ZervCMS update

Just a quick note to keep everyone updated with ZervCMS.

There hasn't been much development in the past few weeks due to moving of all development stuff from our old p3 500 server to our new p4 3.0 server.

Once this is all complete (it's not just ZervCMS but a whole host of things being migrated), we've got another release just about ready which contains a number of various updates

Following that, there are many major updates we hope to make to the codebase, but these will be applied in an orderly fashion over a substantial period of time.... read more

Posted by Quentin Zervaas 2005-06-23

ZervCMS 1.2 Released

We have just released version 1.2 of ZervCMS. This release implements an admin user system, which allows add/edit/delete of admin users.

All admin section pages are protected using this section, although there are no permission levels for the different admins at this stage (i.e., every admin can perform all functions)

This release also contains other minor fixes (to stats reporting and default site template)

Posted by Quentin Zervaas 2005-06-04

MySQL support included in 1.1

We have just released version 1.1 of ZervCMS, which contains a number of changes, mainly relating to the database handling.

The database abstraction has been modified to support a factory instantiation using DSNs. The PostgreSQL driver has been updated accordingly, and a MySQL driver has been implemented.

Additionally, the DatabaseObject abstraction has been extended to allow for custom types. This has primarily been done due to differences in timezone handling between PGSQL and MySQL.

Posted by Quentin Zervaas 2005-05-31

Initial Release

We have just made the very first release for ZervCMS, tagged as version 1.0

While there are many functionality aspects not yet implemented, the codebase is still stable and somewhat usable, even though the API documentation is lacking at this stage.

We will be submitting our existing bugs and feature requests into the SF trackers in the coming days. We hope to make a 1.1 release in the coming weeks which aims to include MySQL as a supported database server, as well as further completing API documentation.

Posted by Quentin Zervaas 2005-05-24