
ZebraZ - Membership System / News: Recent posts

ZebraZ V0.22 Release! (2005-01-19)

We are pleased to announce the latest version of the ZebraZ system. ZebraZ is a php/mysql web-based membership management system. Our focus is on quality user experience balanced by a robust back end.

This release does not have as many new features as usual, we focused on bug fixes and code rewrite. Major improvements for this release are:

1) The membership directory code was TOTALLY rewritten. It is much better, robust and flexible now. For added pleasure, the layout (PDF) is improved also.... read more

Posted by eric zander 2005-01-20

ZebraZ V0.21 Release! (2004-11-25)

We're getting closer and closer to being able to focus on the login/authentication system. Continuing the back end work needed for this. Also in the next release will be a complete code rewrite for the membership directory - should produce a much better looking PDF when that is out.

Here's what's new with this release:

Big news with this release are three new features in addition to the regular bevy of bug fixes/minor improvements:... read more

Posted by eric zander 2004-11-26

ZebraZ V0.20 Release! (2004-09-15)

It's been a LONG while but here's a nice update.

Haven't been developing as rapidly as I 'd like but things keep moving along. Hopefully over the next few months I'll get to do more than in the last few (which would be a LOT!)

What's new in this release:
A TON of bug fixes as well as a rewrite of the reporting code to clean it up.

Added a bunch of new reports - including a member directory, volunteer list, member list and others (?).... read more

Posted by eric zander 2004-09-16

ZebraZ V0.10 Release (2004-05-26)

It's been a while but here's a nice update.

Beginning with this release I'm going to start using regular version numbers and, since this is most certainly not the initial release I've decided to start with 0.10.

What's new in this release:
A bunch of bug fixes as well as a rewrite of the reporting code to clean it up. Added 2 reports - one for new member labels and one for generating a member directory in PDF format (CSV available also).

Posted by eric zander 2004-05-27

2004 04 07 Release

Minor update to files. Added in a dummy data file to populate the database once you install. Prevents a bunch of errors that occur if the database is empty.

Posted by eric zander 2004-04-07

2004 04 01 Release

Latest release for the ZebraZ project. See the changelog (README) for more details. Simply put there are 2 changes: Member statistics report was added and a minor formatting bug was fixed for mailing labels.

I am looking for people who want to contribute/help!

Posted by eric zander 2004-04-01

Initial Release

We are proud to announce the initial release of the ZebraZ membership management system. Although an initial release and in alpha status, development has been ongoing for over three months and planning for more than a year. This system, in it's current form, is in a production environment so it is quite stable now.

We welcome help in whatever form you can give - be it helping with development, beta testing, document writing.... even your help requests will help us make the ZebraZ system better!... read more

Posted by eric zander 2004-03-22