
ZabbixAgent.NET / News: Recent posts

New release! Build 15

Upgraded to .NET 2.0 framework and made a new installer based on NSIS.


Bug when installed the ZabbixAgent.NET, that Configuration manager was empty and it had to be started from it's running directory.

Daniel Barlow contributed these patches:
Robustness patch for better handling of timeouts from the Zabbix server.
New version tag
Fixed FQDN to work properly.

Posted by Matias Bjørling 2007-12-06

Build 14 is Passive night!

Features added

Now automatic update of agent is possible.
Use agent.update.md5sum and for making automatic update work. See WIKI for how to do it.

Added passive mode for the agent, so now it can be polled by the zabbix server.

Now possible to start the agent as a service and as a console program with adding "console" after executable.

Added vfs.file.exists[] counter.
Added default performance counter mappings for system objects.... read more

Posted by Matias Bjørling 2007-01-29

Build 13 released.

See release notes for changes.

Posted by Matias Bjørling 2006-12-12

New release out! :D

Major updates New configuration utility, now it should be a lot easier to configure.

New counters. :D

Implemented a way to prevent lost of counter results if Zabbix server is down ( Queueing ) Performance Counter mapping, the configuration utility can make mappings for known Windows performance counters, making it easier to have a generic itemset for many agents. and alot more, made more stable and log file have been moved to application dir.

Posted by Matias Bjørling 2006-11-17

ZabbixAgent.NET 0.9 Build 11


Found a bug in the performance counter, that reportet wrong numbers back.

And added httping to it.

Use it with web.httping[http://address]

It support SSL too if certificate is already in system.

Posted by Matias Bjørling 2006-08-07

0.9 Build 10 Released

New build out of the door.

Added a little configuration editor and removed the buggy configution by configuration file.

This will make it ALOT easier to get going. The agent.conf solution, didnt help much without anything telling what to do with it.

The configuration can now be done from the Start menu when installed.

Posted by Matias Bjørling 2006-08-02