
Feature Request: More Simultaneous downloads

  • StevenKW

    StevenKW - 2012-08-24

    Would like a way to increase the number of simultaneous downloads to more than
    (4). Currently I open additional instances of the program to accomplish this.

  • StefanKaerst

    StefanKaerst - 2012-10-17

    Currently I open additional instances of the program to accomplish this.
    so you finally find a solution yourself :)

    the thing with multiple downloads is this. running more threads to download videos does not ensure the videos are x-times faster downloaded it ytd2 starts more threads. if ytd2 downloads 4 HD videos my ADSL is fully busy. so, starting 4 or 6 threads is always better than one.
    the last ytd2 version starts 6 threads.

    downloading videos is IMHO not a time critical task. if you wait 2minutes or 1,5 does not make any difference. more important is that ytd2 runs without errors or crashes.



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