
Yrch! / News: Recent posts

Yrch! v1.0 SQL script revision

The installation SQL script (yrch.sql) contain bad datas so you CAN login as "admin" user but you don't have admin rights.

"" contains the revised and working installation script.

Posted by Guillaume Boddaert 2003-10-01

Yrch! CVS repository available

After a long inactivity time, the Yrch! project starts again. To help the developpers a CVS repository is now in use.

Posted by Guillaume Boddaert 2003-09-18

Yrch! v1.0 release

The very first public release of Yrch! is now available.

Posted by Guillaume Boddaert 2003-09-17

Yrch! is being developped

Utilisateurs francophones:
Yrch! est actuellement en cours de developpement. Je ne pense pas effectuer de release avant la finalisation d'une version de production stable et finalise.
En tant que francophone les premires versions seront disponibles uniquement pour vous, bande de veinards.

To non french speaking folks :
Yrch! is currently in developpment phase. As I Yrch! is before all a one-shot project i'll only be able to release the project when the very first official version will run.... read more

Posted by Guillaume Boddaert 2002-09-06