
#11 Simple Sound write results in <blank> instrument name.

Next Commit

When trying to save a (default) "Simple Sound", the name written in the bank list is broken, as well as the filename of the file created. If Yoshimi is relaunched, the instrument disappears from the bank. Should I fix this? I would prefer to remove the "Simple Sound" naming hack (which appears in two places I think), if Pname is empty, and directly name the default instrument "Simple Sound" at creation time. This would also provide a more predictable (in my opinion) instrument name edit dialog with "Simple Sound" present, that would need to be erased or modified, like editing a named instrument name. The alternative would be to add a third hack in the save function. It is just that I like the idea of fixing a bug while reducing the amount of code. After all, one hack is good. But isn't two already a crowd for a special case? :-p


  • Will Godfrey

    Will Godfrey - 2014-11-29

    Well I must admit you caught me by surprise there!

    I agree with your suggestion. There are a number of occasions where the default sound is created (including a voice load failure), so I think properly naming it within the creation routine would be the best way to go.

    I'm hoping to release V1.3.0 on Monday, so if you can get that in before then I've be very pleased.

  • Will Godfrey

    Will Godfrey - 2014-11-29
    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Will Godfrey
  • xnakos

    xnakos - 2014-11-29

    Consider it done! One totally irrelevant topic that has been bugging me. The pixmap of yoshimi is the one on the top of the page, right? Why is the quality of the bundled pixmap so low, while the one on the top is fine? And what is the different yoshimi.svg?

  • Will Godfrey

    Will Godfrey - 2014-11-29

    Hysterical Raisins? It goes right back to V0.060, but will be corrected in the next push.

    The svg is a different robot head that someone created for us that people might like to use as an alternative.

  • xnakos

    xnakos - 2014-11-30

    :) That's a nice robot too!

    I did a merge request of my 'bug11' branch. One last question for this thread. Is SVG generally supported as a desktop icon?

  • Will Godfrey

    Will Godfrey - 2014-11-30

    It is on most of them, and of coruse is scalable.

  • Will Godfrey

    Will Godfrey - 2014-11-30
    • status: accepted --> pending
    • Group: Eventually --> Next Commit
  • Will Godfrey

    Will Godfrey - 2014-12-01
    • status: pending --> closed

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