
#26 Background image (Textures)

Beta 1
UI (6) V5.2 (35)
Mirco Adam

Would it be possible to implement a new type of object
(e.g. a rectangular plane) that can be used to hold an
image / texture, which can be displayed within the
normal layers of XtrkCAD.

The image displayed does not need to be editable for
this purpose.

And when we are at it, perhaps a similar method could
be utilized to use smaller such images (textures) in
general to visually enhance the object library or
rolling stock.

Thank you,


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I can only support this request: It would we very welcome to be able to insert a scalable (pixel/m) background picture to work from real aerial photographs as template. Also, in this context would it be possible to include a true simple metric scale such as 1:1000?



  • Daniel E. Markle

    • summary: Backgrund image (Textures) --> Background image (Textures)
  • fredouille45

    fredouille45 - 2013-10-01


  • Philipp Klaus Krause

    This would indeed be great. I could use a floorplan of my appartment as a background image.


  • Adam Richards

    Adam Richards - 2017-12-10
    • labels: --> UI
    • Group: --> Next Release
  • Adam Richards

    Adam Richards - 2019-09-22
    • status: open --> pending
  • Adam Richards

    Adam Richards - 2019-09-22

    Single, scalable, background image

  • Adam Richards

    Adam Richards - 2019-09-22
    • assigned_to: Adam Richards
  • Adam Richards

    Adam Richards - 2019-11-18
    • labels: UI --> UI, V5.2
    • status: pending --> open-accepted
  • Adam Richards

    Adam Richards - 2020-06-03
    • status: open-accepted --> fixed
    • Group: Next GA Release --> Current Beta
  • Adam Richards

    Adam Richards - 2020-10-27

    Ticket moved from /p/xtrkcad-fork/feature-requests/2/

    Can't be converted:

    • _milestone: Beta 1
    • _priority: 5

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