
XSLT documentation generation XSLT / News: Recent posts

xlstdocxslt placed under the LGPL

I have decided to place xsltdocxslt under the Lesser GPL. I am not a licensing expert, but as I understand it, this means that the software is free for use, distribution and modification, but doesn't carry 'copyleft'.

This means that the source may be used in projects under another license, including non-free licenses. This would allow anyone to build a non-free GUI application for generating documentation on XSLT transformations using the XSLT transform we build in this project for the actual document generation. ... read more

Posted by Teun Duynstee 2001-09-06

We can get going! I got into SF from Windows!

It took me weeks and the invaluable help of Heiko Rupp, but finally I managed to commit a change to a document in CVS from my Windows workstation.
I tried cvs from the command line, WinCVS, nothing seemed to work, but I finally got it working using the TortoiseCVS setup on a clean machine. If oyu are on Windows and still struggling to get CVS working:


Posted by Teun Duynstee 2001-08-22