
XSieve = XSLT + Scheme / News: Recent posts

Generative XPath is released

Generative XPath (0.9.1) is an XPath 1.0 processor that can be adapted to different hierarchical memory structures and different programming languages. Customizing Generative XPath to a specific environment is several magnitudes of order easier than implementing XPath from scratch.

Generative XPath will be announced at XML Prague 2007:

Details: read more

Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2007-06-10

XSieve 1.2.0 is released

XSieve version 1.2.0 is an evolutional update. Few bugs are fixed and several low-level enchancements are made. Two new functions are added to create a testing framework for another project:

* "x:call" calls any XPath function,
* "x:<=>" compares the nodes in the document order.

Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2007-03-12

XTech 2006 paper and slides on XSieve

The slides of my XTech 2006 presentation "<a href="">XSieve: extending XSLT with the roots of XSLT</a>" are <a href="">online as PDF</a>. The paper is available as <a href="">HTML</a> and <a href="">PDF</a>.

Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2006-05-23

XSieve at XTech 2006

I give a talk about XSieve <> at XTech 2006 <> conference, formerly known as XML Europe. The brief session description:

XSLT has roots in DSSSL. DSSSL has roots in the Lisp dialect Scheme. Now, XSieve interweaves both XSLT and Scheme, forming a more powerful XML processing language. XSieve is one of the successful Google "Summer of Code" 2005 projects.... read more

Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2006-03-16

XSieve 1.1.0 is released

XSieve is an XML transformation language based on combination of XSLT (an XML transformation language) and Scheme (a Lisp dialect). XSieve is a powerful tool for complex data transformation tasks.

XSieve 1.1.0 is the second public release. It mostly fixes misfeatures of the previous version. More precisely:

* No need for special Guile version. Lazy tree instantiation is switched off by default.
* Documentation and examples are now installed to /usr/share/doc/xsieve-X.X.X
* Performance and documentation improvements.
* Bug fixes, misfeature corrections.

Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2005-12-26

XSieve 1.0.1 -- better x:eval

The base for relative paths in "x:eval" is the XSLT context node. It wasn't possible to change the base in XSieve 1.0.0, and it was behaviour by design. I realized that it is a misfeature and corrected it in XSieve 1.0.1. More, a new example is introduced:

Miltiple sum, or quantity times price

Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2005-09-22

XSieve wiki

I've created an [1]XSieve page in my [2]reseearch support wiki.


Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2005-09-18

XSieve 1.0.0 released

XSieve is an XML transformation language based on combination of XSLT and Scheme (a Lisp dialect). XSieve make XSLT to be a general-purpose language. Personally for me, XSieve is an alternative to XSLT 2.0. For objectives, read


XSieve allows to use Scheme for writing XSLT extensions. The special features, which differentiate it from extensions in Java/JavaScript/Python/etc, are the following.... read more

Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2005-09-06

XSieve 0.0.3

XSieve is a programming language which combines XSLT and Scheme.

The main changes since XSieve 0.0.2, which was released a week ago, are:

* introduction of examples, and
* improvement of documentation.


* hello: A simple XSieve program.
* hello2: Automatical conversion from XML to SXML and a tool.
* sxml2xml: Automatical conversion from SXML to XML and a tool.
* entities: How to generate entities in the output XML.... read more

Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2005-08-15

XSieve 0.0.2

XSieve 0.0.2 is the first public release of XSieve, a language which interweaves XSLT and Scheme.

The source code of XSieve 0.0.2 is near the same as of XSieve 0.0.1, but 0.0.1 was a development snapshot and only very stubborn people could install it.

With XSieve 0.0.2, installation is standard:

* ./configure
* make
* make install

Some prerequisites are required, but they are also installable using the standard way. The installation process is described in full in the manual:... read more

Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2005-08-09

The lazy pairs patch for Guile is updated

Lazy pairs patch for Guile allows to implicitly instantiate parts of S-expressions on demand. Today I've refactored the distribution archive.

The old distribution was a set of files (by the way, the set was not full) plus instructions which files to modify manually. That was not very smart. Now I suggest three alternatives:

* a full Guile distribution with patches applied
* a set of files which are changed or new
* a file for patch... read more

Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2005-07-29

development snapshot (version 0.01)

XSieve have raised intereset, and I've got several requests to show at least something. Today I've managed to write a sort of documentation, to put the documentation on the [1]site, to produce a package and to make it available for [2]download.


The nearest further plans are:

* Move sources from a local CVS to the SourceForge CVS
* Improve documentation
* Make the installation procedure easier

Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2005-07-21

XSieve is accepted as a Google Summer of Code project

A news which should have been posted a month ago. [1]XSieve proposal became one of the [2]Google Summer of Code projects. Due to visiting [3]GTTSE 2005 and travelling, I've lost a month. Fortunately, I have some code written, so I hope to meet deadline well.


Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2005-07-21

XSieve blog

I describe my open source developments in my blog:

Today I've created a topic dedicated to XSieve:

Important news such as new releases will be posted both to the blog and to the SourceForge project news area, but minor news will be posted only to the blog.

You are welcome to add my blog RSS to your blogreader:

Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2005-07-21

XSieve is submitted to Google Summer of Code

I've submitted XSieve to the Google's Summer of Code program (

Project Title

XSieve, an alternative to XSLT 2.0

Synopsis (a short description)

XSieve is an XML transformation language based on combination of XSLT 1.0 and Scheme. XSieve is an alternative to XSLT 2.0.

Benefits to the Community
-------------------------... read more

Posted by Oleg Paraschenko 2005-06-08