
en_US locale file

  • L5eoneill

    L5eoneill - 2006-11-28

    As far as I can see, the xrms locale folder does not include a language "translation" file for en_US (or en_BR or even en_AU). Seems this would be the way to go to change the names of various labels in xrms to our company's preference. So was wondering where to find such a file. Does anybody know?

    Thank you,

    • Brian Peterson

      Brian Peterson - 2006-11-28

      To do English->English translation, you would follow the directions in the documentation for any other language.  We don't include an "empty" English->English translation because it would slow down the system somewhat, and most people don't need it.

      You are correct that for simply changing labels on functionality in the system, English->English translation using gettext is the best approach.


         - Brian

      • Mike Rouse

        Mike Rouse - 2009-02-07

        I would like to create some custom translations for various different departments. I was able to effect the first one by using en_GB in the i18n.php file and renaming it from British to the name of my department. I then edited and compiled the xrms.po file.

        What I would like to do is create the terminology for another department. Should I over-write something like the es_ES entry in i18n.php and overwrite the xrms.po in the es_ES directory and then recompile or is it possible to create my own custom 'language' using things like "ne_SM" for non-experienced senior management, for example?

        If I do this "ne_SM" example is it just a case of creating a "ne_SM" directory under the locale folder and creating the xrms.po file, compiling it and then setting the language in the profile?

        If that's the case, I tried it, but the language didn't change from the default English. However, I was able to change to Spanish, German, French, etc and it would reflect the change inside XRMS. Just not when I used my own 'custom language'. Is this because doing this is not possible and I should instead 'hijack' an existing language?

        Thanks in advance.



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