
When is v2.0 released?

  • cesco8

    cesco8 - 2011-01-26

    Hi everyone,

    I'm planing to use a CRM System in my company soon and thus I'm trying to figure out which one to use. So far XRMS is one of my favorites.
    What I basically need to know is if there is a plan to release the next version soon (let's say the next 2-4 month) and I should consider using this one or if I should stick to the last stable release.

    Thank you

  • - 2011-01-26

    Hi, Cesco!

    Yes, there is a plan to release XRMS 2.0 and the to-do list is constantly getting shorter :)  However, there is no fixed release date as of yet.  Still, I would say it is reasonable to expect that the 2.0 version will be released within the next few months.

    As for which version to use, the development team has only sanctioned versions up to 1.99.2 as stable.  The CVS version is still under development (mostly bugfixes at this point) and it is frequently changing on a daily basis.  Having said that, we use the CVS version in production with periodic updates and we have had no major issues with our clients.  In addition, there are bugs or missing features in the stable versions which have already been fixed or implemented in CVS so, in many ways, the CVS is superior to the stable versions.

    If you are comfortable working with the CVS version and able to update the code from time to time as bugs fixes are committed, I would personally go with that.  However, if you'd rather install a system that you don't have to mess with every so often, the stable version may be a better choice.  Upgrading from 1.99.2 to 2.0 will likely be quite straightforward so you can always upgrade when 2.0 goes stable.

    Also, keep in mind that the changes which PHP 5.3 brought about with deprecated functions and extensions are only going to be addressed in CVS - we are working on that right now.  If you are running a server with PHP 5.3 or above, the CVS will definitely be a better bet.

    Also, Sourceforge's CVS is down today and, as of this post is still unavailable.  You may want to check this blogpost before attempting to check out the code.

    I hope this helps!


  • cesco8

    cesco8 - 2011-01-28

    Hi Ivaylo,

    Thank you for your quick response. Your information helped me a lot.
    I have just one more question left. The to-do list you mentioned, is it an informal one or can I see it somewhere?


  • - 2011-01-28

    Hi, Cesco!

    The to-do list is informal and is now very short:
    - Fix all the deprecated warnings arising out of using XRMS on PHP 5.3+  This is mundane and bulky work but we feel that it needs to be done.
    - Fix outstanding bugs.  I have notes on about half a dozen minor ones in addition to the ones logged into the Bug Tracker.  Some of these may have been fixed a lot time ago but a review is certainly in order - those tickets need to be either closed or deleted.
    - Alpha release - we'd like to see some good stress-testing by the community (even though we run CVS code in production and we could say it almost Beta quality at this point, the more variety in using it, the better) and fixing any bugs that may still be reported at that point.  Translations should also start at around this point of time.
    - Beta release, finalizing translations, and, if all goes well,
    - XRMS 2.0

    I could be missing something but this is about it at this point.  I hope this helps!


  • cesco8

    cesco8 - 2011-01-31

    Thx  Ivaylo
    you are a great help.



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