
Delete user does not seem to work

  • Ed

    Ed - 2005-06-16

    This is using a very recent CVS checkout on Mac OS and using php 4.3 and mysql.

    When I try to delete a user from the user admin page, it just seems to disable that user. I am an administrator and want to get rid of a couple of users I created while testing, should this be possible? Should I report this as a bug?.


    • Brian Peterson

      Brian Peterson - 2005-06-16

      *Every* 'delete' in XRMS is a logical delete, not a physical delete.

      Generally, with enterprise applications, actual physical deletion of records is taken care of by DBA's running archive scripts.

      So, the behavior you see is not a bug.  If you really want your testing users gone, do it at the database.

      Of course, if some enterprising organization wanted to write a set of 'archive and delete' scripts to be run to remove records that have been logically deleted, we'd be happy to distribute it with the XRMS core.


        - Brian

      • Joel of MMCC

        Joel of MMCC - 2009-06-25

        Wouldn't this be an appropriate function to be performed by a CRONtab job? E.g. "DELETE FROM ... WHERE ..._record_status = 'd' AND ..._last_update < (threshold days ago);"? Purge threshold days ago could be set in System Preferences.

        • Brian Peterson

          Brian Peterson - 2009-06-25

          As I said in response to this thread over four years ago, most enterprise CRM installations use logical delete only for a whole host of reasons.  That's how XRMS was designed. 

          There is a purge option in the administrative section now that purges deleted records that did not exist when I responded to the message years agoe.


             - Brian

    • Ed

      Ed - 2005-06-16

      Makes sense. Will look into a 'purge deleted users' script.

      Thanks for the swift reply.



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