
Superx++ (XML-Based OO Language) / News: Recent posts

XQuery Superx++ Integration

Superx++ is soon going to be integrated with XML Query (XQuery) version 1.0. This will afford relational type of querying capability to Superx++. You will be able to take any XML data or even Superx++ objects and query on them as if they are in an XML database. This approach is very powerful and will make Superx++ even more useful. Indeed, coupled with XQuery, Superx++ becomes a veritable database language. The XQuery constructs will provide the querying core, and the rest of the Superx++ language will provide the stored procedure constructs.... read more

Posted by Kimanzi Mati 2003-09-03

Superx++ 1.0 XML Schema Definition Released

The Superx++ 1.0 XML schema definition has been released. It can be found at:

This reflects all the changes that have been made to the Superx++ language.

You can use it to validate your Superx++ source code against.

Posted by Kimanzi Mati 2003-08-11

Superx++ Compiler/Runtime 1.0 Released!

The Superx++ Compiler and Runtime 1.0 were released today. These can be found at:

Posted by Kimanzi Mati 2003-08-11

Superx++ Compiler expected on March 1, 2003

The Superx++ language is gaining speed! The Superx++ compiler is due to be released by March 1 this year. That is a little less than a month now. You will be able to write Superx++ code in either shortx syntax or XML syntax to produce stand-alone executables or DLLs.

This will dramatically increase the performance of the programs written in the language. Meanwhile, the dynamic features of the language will be retained.... read more

Posted by Kimanzi Mati 2003-02-03

x++ beta 0.2.4: Bug fixes for shortx translation

This version (released today) contains bug fixes for the translation of shortx code into XML syntax x++ code. There are also numerous examples of x++ programs written in shortx, together with the generated XML syntax x++ code and also the output of the programs. So there is a wealth of documentation with which to learn shortx.

The way things work is that the programmer will write shortx code. Then the shortx files will be translated using Templx, the x++ IDE, into the XML syntax that the x++ interpreter processes. shortx makes coding in x++ very easy. For instance, it is very easy to assign XML as a literal to an x++ object. The following x++ program written in shortx syntax illustrates this point quite well.... read more

Posted by Kimanzi Mati 2002-10-11

shortx: New C like syntax for x++

x++ beta 0.2.3 is out now. It implements shortx which is the new alternative syntax for x++ that is similar in appearance to the C family of languages.

shortx was devised to eliminate completely the problem of x++ being verbose. x++ was verbose because its original syntax is XML based. There are advantages to x++ being XML based but many programmers have voiced the need for the ability to read and write x++ in something other than XML. shortx directly meets this need.... read more

Posted by Kimanzi Mati 2002-09-30

x++ beta 0.2.2 released!

x++ beta 0.2.2 continues various additions to the x++ language. These additions support the invocation of external library executable functions. For example, an x++ program can now invoke a regular Windows .dll's functions no matter what language the .dll is written in. Details can be found at:

In addition there is support for x++ services. These are web services implemented using HTTP, XML and x++. Of course x++ is XML and so this is natural. The good news is that there is not a whole lot of x++ that one needs to code in order to invoke web services this way. Also there is not a lot of work that has to be done to publish your x++ services. Details can be found at: read more

Posted by Kimanzi Mati 2002-09-09

x++, Web Services and Courier Messaging

Web services can be implemented using x++ (the XML based language) as the glue. This is done without SOAP, WSDL or XML Schema, but relies solely on XML and very limited use of x++.

x++ enables services to be invoked on a remote machine via HTTP. In addition, x++ allows for the use of courier messengers. Courier messengers are objects that are sent to perform actions on remote machines and then return the result(s) once the mission is complete. They reduce network traffic because multiple actions can be performed at the remote machine before there is a return trip back to the source. Because x++ is a full programming language, it enables the creation of complex courier messengers, thereby making the messaging handle complex and changing scenarios. More details will appear on the x++ web site soon:

Posted by Kimanzi Mati 2002-08-30

x++ beta 0.2 out, IDE coming soon

The x++ beta 0.2 went live a week ago and the x++ IDE is a-building. The IDE will be released about mid-August 2002. It is written in C++ and runs on Windows NT/2000/XP OSs.

Posted by Kimanzi Mati 2002-07-09

x++ beta interest

Lots of interest has been expressed via e-mail to me regarding x++. I have also published (by invitation) an article on the TopXML web site. The URL to the article is:

Posted by Kimanzi Mati 2002-06-24