
XPL Editor / News: Recent posts

XPL Editor: Multimodal features

The XPL editor is an RCP Eclipse application based on the eXtensible Presentation Language, an xml-based presentation language built on top of Visual Design Patterns. For more information about XPL, visit

The XPL Editor 0.1 has been released, improving the multimodal features and the XSL Transformation of XPL Pages for the eXtensible Dynamic Presentation Manager (XDPM), a framework for the multimodal and multichannel presentation, published on Sourceforge.
Enjoy XPL Editor!

Posted by Giuseppe Vella 2008-11-06

Engineering has released a newer version of the XPL Editor

In this release, the users can additionally export pages and images included in their project even if they are in nested folders. Moreover, the ecore model of the eXtensible Presentation Language, now allows to insert the "importance" attribute in order to determine if an image has to be displayed or not.
This last feature can be considered as fundamental for the eXtensible Dynamic Presentation Manager, a framework for the presentation of content adaptation on different channels in different contexts.
For more information on the latter visit the following link: read more

Posted by Giuseppe Vella 2008-04-17

New release of the XPL Editor

Hi all
the version 0.0.4 of the XPLEditor has been released.
Moreover the website related to the editor has been updated and is available at the following address:

You will find the release notes in the XPL Editor 0.0.4 package.

Enjoy XPL Editor!

Giuseppe Vella

Posted by Giuseppe Vella 2008-01-10

The version 0.0.2 of the XPLEditor has been released.

Hi all
the version 0.0.2 of the XPLEditor has been released.
You will find the release notes in the XPL Editor 0.0.2 package.
This release is compatible with the following platforms: Windows, Linux e MacOS.

Enjoy XPL Editor!

Giuseppe Vella

Posted by Giuseppe Vella 2007-10-17

XPL Editor source

Hi all
You finally have the source with the examples to use some widgets of the XPL and the Help with the Installation Instructions and Basic Usage
Enjoy the editor

Posted by Giuseppe Vella 2007-10-01

A Beta version of XPL Editor

A Beta version of the XPL Editor, has been pubblished. At the moment there is no documentation, but I hope to publish it as soon as possible. I will be happy to help you or to support in the usage of the XPL Editor

Posted by Giuseppe Vella 2007-09-26