
#251 Updating category system offline with uncompressed dump doesn't work

import (31)

Usually I choose cat v2 while I import, and have the two uncompressed files in the folder. But this time I had to update to v2 after the import, and the only way to avoid an error message about no internet access, was to generate the script and manually delete the download commands. I.e. the generated script was

app.setup.cmds.dump_add_many( '', 'latest', '', '', '', '');

and I had to change it to

app.setup.cmds.dump_add_many( '', 'latest', '', '');

even though I used "read from file" instead of "download". --Schnark


  • gnosygnu

    gnosygnu - 2013-11-15

    Thanks for the detail.

    I do agree that's unintuitive. Not sure what the best alternative would be.

    How about I add a new option for "Where to get the dump" called "automatically select"?

    The full list would be:

    • download file
    • automatically select file (aka "automatically choose file from wiki directory")
    • manually select file (aka "manually choose file from other directory" or "read from file")

    "download file" and "manually select file" would work as is.

    "automatically select file" would do the following:

    • If "Category system" is "only update to version 2" look for a categorylinks file in the wiki dir and put it in the url box. If none is found, maybe put a big red warning in the url box.
    • If "Category system is anything else" same behavior as above, but search for a dump file.

    This would save someone the task of figuring out what you did.

    I'm open to other suggestions as well....

  • gnosygnu

    gnosygnu - 2013-11-15
    • labels: --> import
    • status: new --> investigating
    • Milestone: PFE --> v0.11.*
  • gnosygnu

    gnosygnu - 2013-12-31
    • status: investigating --> pfe
    • Milestone: v0.11.* --> PFE
  • gnosygnu

    gnosygnu - 2013-12-31

    I'm moving this to a PFE for now. I agree that the interface could be more intuitive, but I'm hoping it is workable for now.



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