
#14 image or pdf quick add


I use Xournal to keep a multiple page TODO list. Usually when I see something on the web that I have a question about I print it to PDF using CUPS/PDF and then open up Xournal, click Add Page, after which I navigate to that page and click Load Background and select the PDF I just made.

I think there are two possible improvements on this process:
A) When I click on Add page, have a little box that asks "would you like to add a blank page or a pdf, or a drawing" etc.
B) A firefox plugin, that automatically prints to PDF and appends that PDF to the end of a .xoj file

Option A would be pretty powerful and simple enough to do, I put option B in there in case anyone thought it's a good idea and did it. Because that would make Xournal a KILLER APP! Even though, there's probably more pressing feature requests like adding text and displaying a few pages at a time (like having them broken up into chapters).



  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2007-05-28

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    Avoid using "Load background" to annotate a PDF, that causes it to get converted to a bitmap, leading to poor resolution and larger files. Instead, it's better to use "Annotate PDF" to create a xournal document that lives on top of a PDF file and renders it properly at all resolutions. This way you can export the annotated PDF properly.


  • hendrixski

    hendrixski - 2007-05-28

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    When I use xournal for a TODO list I never export anything back to pdfs. The webpages that I export to PDF and then write notes on them I just keep it as a .xoj file, and when I'm done with that task I just delete the page.

    Keep up the good work

  • a.freundorfer

    a.freundorfer - 2008-02-28

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    I love xournal. Especially pdf annotate/export. I use it daily in lectures. One wish that I would like to see is to drag and drop clip art/graphics into xournal onto a section of a page. Or maybe just a simple cut and past like from acroread (grapfics) to openoffice. This is useful when I scab figures out of articles form acroread and put them into xournal. But I'm not complaining, great job on xournal.
    many thanks again.


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