
Exporting Landscape PDF

  • ninjasinloaf

    ninjasinloaf - 2011-01-31

    Hi. The highlighting/annotation layer is all screwy when I export to pdf.  I think this is because the pdf is landscape-oriented, but it's being exported with a portrait orientation (ie, when I open the exported pdf with a viewer it shows up as rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise from it's correct orientation), so the highlighting overly is not lined up correctly. When I print the pdf, everything is lined up correctly, but the image is shrunk so that its width fits the width of the portrait-oriented page.  The result is small, squishy, and pretty illegible.   So far I'm loving this annotator for my scanned documents - it works great for portrait oriented documents! - so any help is appreciated.  Thanks!

  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2011-01-31

    Is this with "File -> Export to PDF" or with "File -> Print -> Print to File -> PDF" ? The two use different methods to produce the pdf file, and one will usually succeed if the other fails.

    I'm assuming Export to PDF is the one that rotates the background compared to the annotations (presumably because your PDF file specifies "rotated portrait pages" rather than "landscape pages" - I don't understand exactly how it works but the "Export to PDF" code seems to fail in this way in some rare instances), and Print is the one that shrinks things (because it maps things onto a page of standard-sized, portrait paper as configured in the printer).

    In File -> Print -> … you can configure the "to file" printer so that it uses landscape paper; things should then work ok.


  • ninjasinloaf

    ninjasinloaf - 2011-01-31

    Thanks for the quick response!

    Yes, the rotation happens when I do "Export to PDF" and the shrinking happens when I do "Print".  in the print-to-file options under the "Print" dialogue, the option to have it printed with landscape orientation is disabled.  I can do it from other programs (like my regular pdf viewer, I think it's evince?), however.  That is to say that the "landscape" print-to-file option is greyed out.  Is it not possible to do with Xournal? Is there some setting in Xournal that I should adjust in order to enable this option?  Or is this solely a me-problem?

    I also tried printing to .ps (same thing) and printing to .svg (same thing but only prints the first page).

    Now, what I can do is rotate my whole screen (per the code given in the manual that's supposed to be for the tablet screen), but then it's hard to use the mouse (left is up, etc) for highlighting.

    Thanks for helping - I appreciate your time.

  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2011-02-01

    Oh, weird. You're right! Sorry, I'm not sure what to recommend.

    Perhaps you can try passing your initial pdf file (the one you're annotating) through a filter that'll modify the orientation to be actually non-rotated landscape instead of portrait-rotated-to-landscape? (I'm not sure, but perhaps pdftops followed by ps2pdf ? This might fix the orientation issue…)

    Sorry I don't have a good solution to your problem…

  • kwstas

    kwstas - 2011-12-09

    hey guys,

    i've been having the same problem and i went into this post, though it's quite old and not solved.
    is there finally any solution to that?

  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2011-12-11

    The solution is to modify your initial PDF file so that it is oriented upside up on landscape paper, rather than sideways on portrait paper.  For example, passing it through pdftops and ps2pdf should take care of it.


  • kwstas

    kwstas - 2011-12-12

    For example, passing it through pdftops and ps2pdf should take care of it

    i tried to "save in file" and chose .ps
    then i opened the .ps file and "save in file" as .pdf ,  have i understood correctly?

    it stil won't let me change the orientation and in preview it always shows in portrait…

  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2011-12-13

    No, what I meant is: use external conversion utilities to fix your PDF file before opening it in xournal. (What I had in mind was: printing it to a ps file in a PDF viewer, or running the command-line tool pdftops; then converting it back to pdf. But there's probably something simpler or better).


  • blsky

    blsky - 2013-06-28

    My solution:

    1) Print to PDF. I used cutepdf writer with windows version of xournal, because linux print-> pdf produces very low quality pdf.
    2) Use tool to crop the part you want from your PDF. I used briss

    In other words:
    initial pdf edited with xournal (landscape) -> print to pdf (portrait) -> crop to landscape

  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2014-07-01

    Xournal 0.4.8 has new "Export to PDF" code which should (hopefully) fix this issue.

    • LissaB

      LissaB - 2015-03-30

      Unfortunately, the 'Export to PDF' option in 0.4.8 doesn't change the orientation from 'turned portrait' to 'landscape' for me. So I'm still having the same problem. Any recent updates?

      UPDATE: works fine in latest versions!


      Last edit: LissaB 2015-03-30
  • Lukasz Szybalski

    Any idea when we can totate the pdf? I just got the wacom draw, at work I wanted to get a pdf contract. Fix the rotation and sign it.Then export as pdf and email it back.
    Currently I can't rotate the pdf inside xournal. Is there a reason its hard to implement this in xournal?
    +1 for adding a rotate 90 degree left or right.

    Thank you


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