Mike Barkmin - 2015-03-15


i modified Xournal so that i can easy change the pen color by clicking ALT+1...9, but this only works in windowed mode. I don't now why this is not working in fullscreen mode. This is what i have changed:

in xo-interface.c added after each color radio menu item

gtk_widget_add_accelerator (colorBlue, "activate", accel_group,
GDK_2, (GdkModifierType) GDK_MOD1_MASK,

When somebody has an idea how to solve this issue, i would be thankfull for an replay. I think Xournal is awesome, but i need this shortcut to make a lecutre where no ui elements will clutter the screen. So thanks in advance.


Last edit: Mike Barkmin 2015-03-15