
#148 Two-page view


Most, if not all, PDF readers implement a two-page view with vertical scrolling. It would be nice if Xournal did too.


  • qwach

    qwach - 2015-02-13

    Oops, this was supposed to be a feature request...

    • Denis Auroux

      Denis Auroux - 2015-02-13

      But why is that feature useful/desirable? ("Because other software has
      it" is not a great argument).

      In my opinion, that's a horrible viewing mode from an ergonomy
      viewpoint, what with pages that were meant to be right-side showing
      left-side half of the time, and with the bottom of page n being next to
      the top of page n+2 so that the flow of reading is a constant succession
      of scrolling movements both horizontally and vertically. This is not
      what a book looks like either -- an actual book, conceptually, looks a
      lot more like the "horizontal view" mode that xournal has.

      Is there really much benefit to a two-page-stacked-vertically view
      compared to either vertical continuous or horizontal continuous view
      modes already available?


  • qwach

    qwach - 2015-02-16

    It's useful for keeping multiple pages at once visible on a large enough screen in a way that leaves vertical space for other windows. Neither continuous view nor horizontal view are suitable for this - continuous view stacks vertically, so you probably can't see more than one page at once, horizontal view needs to be expanded, well, horizontally, and doesn't leave much space at the sides for a full-height window.


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