
#8 sensors support for Kernel 3.X


Dear Maintainer,

xosview is one of the oldest robust monitors available in almost any NIX version, i do understand the changes in the lm_sensors structure but i kindly ask to update the Linux version to support newer sensors structure for kernel's in the 3.X line, currently 3.8 is in most of the repros and i have despite all trying beeing unsuccseflull in getting temps up and running on the latest xosview.

any chance of doing this.?


  • Astara

    Astara - 2013-03-11
    • priority: 5 --> 6
  • Astara

    Astara - 2013-03-11

    I can't speak for the current maintainer, but improving the ability to add in plugins was something I wanted to do...

    That said, the current code would require a fair bit of work to do so. My more immediate efforts (before I had to divert to something else) was trying to track your cursor as you put it over the window -- which I got working, but then I needed to keep a log of what was on the window -- and that was significantly more difficult (not kept anywhere)... I wanted to be able to put up little
    hint text about exact values, or processes active at some point.

    Also wanted to add on ability for multiple network interfaces as well as generic temperature reading
    generates fan speeds, temps and power:
    which a script reads every minute, and those are not even including the Coretemps which can be read, of course, as well...

    So much to do and so little time to do it... *sigh*

  • Mike Romberg

    Mike Romberg - 2015-08-02

    lm sensors is currently a giant mess. I'm tempted to remove it all togeather unless I can find some sane documentation about the layout/format of the /proc /sys filesystems for it.