
#1299 Bug: displayed MySQL Server version on administration


Error in modules/system/themes/zetadigme/zetadigme.php : MySql access data wrong Data.
My Errorcode Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'. My select admin theme = zetagenesis.
In administration the MySQL Server version is not displayed.


  • Michael Beck

    Michael Beck - 2014-11-24

    What version of XOOPS do you have? What version of PHP?
    Is this a new installation?
    I just tested it on the 2.5.8 Beta from SVN, and there is no problem.
    I am not sure I understand the issue here...

    Please note: Zetadigme will not be supported anymore, please use the Default Admin theme.


    Last edit: Michael Beck 2014-11-24
  • Muki

    Muki - 2014-11-24

    First install was V 2.5.6


    Last edit: Muki 2014-11-24
  • Michael Beck

    Michael Beck - 2014-11-25

    What version of MySQL do you have?
    Is this a local PC or hosted domain?
    Do you use password, or just only user name?
    What else can you tell us about your installation?

    I have never experienced anything like this.

    Does it work when you use the "default" Admin theme?

  • Muki

    Muki - 2014-11-25

    The error is in the default theme.
    MySQL version is 5.5 and the home page is installed on a hosted domain.
    Registration is with user and password.
    I am experiencing something similar the first time.
    Link to the page:
    Muki (admin by


    Last edit: Muki 2014-11-25
  • zyspec

    zyspec - 2014-11-25

    It might be that your web host has disabled this "feature". You can see if it's been disabled by copying the following script to a file (say test.php), copy it to your server and executing it. See if 'mysql_get_server_info' is listed as one of the functions which has been disabled. Some hosting companies disable this as a security "enhancement".

    $iniDisabled = ini_get('disable_functions');
  • Muki

    Muki - 2014-11-26

    Thank you for the script. It's like you had guessed, this function is switched off by the provider.
    Perhaps it would make sense to check whether a value is returned to avoid an error.
    Here in Germany the providers emphasize more and more security.


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