
XDoclet / News: Recent posts

Xdoclet 1.2.2 RC1 released

The first release candidate of xdoclet 1.2.2 has been released today.
There are about a hundred bugs fixed and new features present in respect to 1.2.1 release.
Most notably support for JSF, J2EE 2.1, Ws4EE, JDO2 has been added.

Posted by Heiko W.Rupp 2004-09-26

XDoclet v1.2.1 released

XDoclet is a java code generator producing source code and other files (e.g. XML configuration files) from custom javadoc @tags in your code, enabling attribute-oriented programming. v1.2.1 is mainly a bug fix release, plus a couple of new modules have been added to support the Spring framework and OpenEJB application server.

Posted by Andy Stevens 2004-05-07

XDoclet 1.2 released

XDoclet 1.2 has been released. Download from sourceforge. This release includes a significant number of improvements from 1.1.2. XDoclet is an extended Javadoc Doclet engine. It's a generic Java tool that lets you create custom Javadoc @tags and based on those @tags generate source code or other files (such as xml-ish deployment descriptors) using a template engine it provides.

Posted by Dmitri Colebatch 2004-01-07

XDoclet v1.1.2 is released!

XDoclet v1.1.2 is released! You can download it from

v1.1.2 is a maintenance release which fixes some bugs, some enhancements. Please refer to changes.txt for a detailed list of changes.

The XDoclet Team.

Posted by Ara Abrahamian 2002-03-11

XDoclet v1.1.1 released! XDoclet's FAQ home page in jGuru up

XDoclet v1.1.1 is released!
v1.1.1 is a maintainance release which fixes some bugs, some enhancements to <template/> and <xmlTemplate/> sub-tasks and provides tested support for jBoss 3 jbosscmp-jdbc.xml generation.

XDoclet's FAQ home page in is also up. You can find answers to frequently asked questions in address.

The XDoclet Team.

Posted by Ara Abrahamian 2002-01-28

XDoclet v1.1 is released!

XDoclet v1.1 is released!

The new v1.1 has a lot of new stuff most importantly:


- Enhanced and refactored template tag handling system.
- You can use ant properties in tag values, eg:
@jboss:create-table "${jboss.create.table}"
Just create put a <property name="jboss.create.table" value="blabla"/>. This is useful for keeping deployment-oriented settings out of source code.
- Easy to use <template/> and <xmlTemplate/> sub-tasks that let you define template/@tags of your own.
- Smarter timestamp/etc checking, so it regenerates in less cases if you haven't modified a file.... read more

Posted by Ara Abrahamian 2002-01-14

XDoclet 1.0.1 released!

XDoclet 1.0.1 - October 1, 2001 - Changes since XDoclet v1.0

- New info sub-task and @todo tag. You can document your sources using this tag
and it generates a nice report.
- More complete using.html doc.
- Better weblogic support.
- Added local-jndi-name to @ejb:bean for local EJBs (EJB 2.0 only). The old
jndi-name is for remote EJBs.

Fixed Bugs:
- [ #463157 ] Improve misleading error message: xdoclet reports an IOException
instead of NoClassDefFoundException.
- [ #466629 ] local ejb-external-ref not working
- [ #465430 ] local home template: incorrectly remote was used instead of local
- [ #465170 ] Typos in template files: orion and weblogic template had typos.
- [ #464786 ] exception from ifIsNotOfType tag: actually the problem was not
supporting primitive types.
- [ #464666 ] Error in CMP template: setData didn't have a dataholder=null
- Better docs, @bean use-soft-locking="true|false" documented (previously
@ejb-use-soft-locking).... read more

Posted by Ara Abrahamian 2001-10-01

XDoclet 1.0 needs Ant 1.4

XDoclet 1.0 needs Ant 1.4.
It wan't stated in the docs. So make sure you run it with newly released Ant 1.4, not Ant 1.3.

The XDoclet Team.

Posted by Ara Abrahamian 2001-09-22

Documentation available online

The XDoclet documentation is now available online at

Posted by Dmitri Colebatch 2001-09-20

XDoclet 1.0 released!

XDoclet 1.0 is released!

XDoclet is the successor to EJBDoclet. XDoclet is wholly restructured, with lots of changes and new features that it's almost impossible to list them all even briefly here!

- Full EJB 2.0 support. All EJB @tags now consolidated.
- EJB: support for Websphere 4, Weblogic 6.x, full Orion support, support
for business interface pattern, etc.
- Support for Struts, JSP Taglibs, WebWork, Apache-SOAP, JMX... read more

Posted by Ara Abrahamian 2001-09-20