
XChords / News: Recent posts

XChords 0.3.2

Several bug fixes. Now it should be working on Linux, I tested it on Suse.

Posted by mirek mocek 2006-10-26

XChords 0.3.1 - open state

This release adds possibility to specify 'open' state of string. This option will draw small empty circle above the guitar neck.

Posted by mirek mocek 2006-09-19

XChords 0.3 as Xmas gift

New version of XSLT utility. Creates chord images for further usage anywhere.
Major changes:
-XSD with namespaces
-enhanced name/id manipulation - to allow linkage with XSong project
-startup scripts now written as ant build file
-> easier configuration and usage
-some more documentation
-online demo application (servlet) included
and more...

Try and give me feedback.

Posted by mirek mocek 2005-12-26

Online demo app

I've created online demo application at It creates direct SVG images from XML input. Test it, please. It's easy to use. It's 0.3 version preview.

Posted by mirek mocek 2005-09-28

Project homepage update

Site was updated with newest info, more texts, samples edited, linkage to XSong project.

Posted by mirek mocek 2005-09-28

XChords 0.2 now available!

New improved version of XChords was released.
-core rewrite - different drawing styles could be used
-more output formats - JPEG/PNG/TIFF images included in HTML page, PDF document with SVG images
-more startup scripts for easier usage
-more documentation
-all known bugs from 0.1 fixed

Posted by mirek mocek 2004-04-20

XChords 0.2 is closer...

I will release new version of XChords in few days. (Xmas gift)

Interesting new features:
-PDF creation from your chords database (you can print it)
-core rewrite (separated to preprocessing phase and drawing phase)
-after preprocessing is created intermediate XChordsDraw XML file, which can be easily transformed to SVG output. You can write your own XSLT and put it in the chain.
-size of the guitar neck (and all other fixed things) is no longer fixed. Everything is calculated dynamically, so the output SVG is always good.
-bugs from 0.1 fixed... read more

Posted by mirek mocek 2003-12-20

XChords 0.1 released

This is the initial release of XChords.

it can
- convert .xml chord database into .svg graphics. One picture for one chord.
- convert .xml chord database into plain text info. (C:032010)

- XChords DTD 0.1
- basic.xml chord database
- documentation - some tutorial
- already generated output in out directory


Posted by mirek mocek 2003-07-13