
Wyatt - Enterprise Resource Planning / News: Recent posts

First draft spec release

I have put available the first draft spec of wyatt ERP. the spec is in javadoc format and it's in early stage of development. The idea is that you take a look and make comments.
It basically contains a definition of foundation classes and packages for financials module and other common modules.


Posted by Daniel H. Ardison 2001-02-13

Under New Management!

Wyatt ERP will have a new leader as of today. I will resign as Project leader but will remain as a developer and consultant. Daniel Ardison, who has contributed a great deal to both the project as a whole, and the financials packages in particular, will be the new Project Leader for Wyatt.

I have been unable to dedicate enough time to the project and have become aware that it is discouraging to many of the developers involved. Danial has much experience in ERP systems and financial applications and will give the project the leadership that it needs at this time.... read more

Posted by Jeremy Pierson 2001-02-05

Help Wanted Posted

Wyatt posts help wanted for Analysis and Design of project.

The original idea for Wyatt was to be a simple set of Java servlets that would integrate to form a valid ERP system for small businesses. As enthusiasm for this project has grown, and more developers are showing interrest, I have decided to restructure the project as a purely EJB implementation.

Hopefully, the designs and specification developed for this project will allow compatible components to be built in various other languages and even on other platforms (such as Microsoft's .NET platform, or C++ binaries).... read more

Posted by Jeremy Pierson 2000-12-08