
wxJavaScript / News: Recent posts

GLUEscript released

The first version of GLUEscript is released. Please go to for new releases of this project.

Posted by Franky Braem 2009-05-19

New name GLUEscript

GLUEscript (Glueing Libraries Using EcmaScript) will be the successor of wxJavaScript. The new name covers the goal of this project: create a JavaScript engine which can be used as a general purpose language (like perl for instance).

Posted by Franky Braem 2008-12-09

wxJavaScript 0.9.75 released

Today wxJavaScript 0.9.75 is released. Major changes are:

wxJavaScript uses Poco internally instead of wxWidgets for common classes. This makes it possible to run wxJavaScript without wxWidgets dll's.

Curl can be used with OpenSSL
Expat uses version 2.0.1
SQLite version 3.6.3

Several new GUI classes,

Look in changes.txt for more info.

Posted by Franky Braem 2008-12-07

wxJavaScript 0.9.74 released

wxJavaScript started as a porting project of wxWidgets to JavaScript (using SpiderMonkey). But now it is a lot more. It has bindings for sqlite, expat, mysql, curl, memcached, ... It contains an Apache module for using JavaScript/wxWidgets and all bindings on an Apache server. wxJavaScript can also be used with FastCGI.

Changes for this release:

- Added in GUI module:
+ wxAboutDialog
- wxjs is now build with Visual Studio 2008. You need to download
the correct runtime dll's.
- Using a javascript script for loading wxJS modules (instead of the
xml configuration file).
- Solved the problem with loading modules in mod_wxjs
- Added wxAboutDialog
- libap_req is now integrated in mod_wxjs, No need to load it anymore
- WXJS_MODULES environment variable renamed to WXJS_STARTUP

Posted by Franky Braem 2008-04-30

wxJavaScript 0.9.73 released

wxJavaScript ports wxWidgets to JavaScript using SpiderMonkey, the JavaScript engine used in FireFox. wxJavaScript also provides an Apache module, A FCGI server, and ports to MySQL, SQLite, ...

Today version 0.9.73 is released, which contains the following changes:

- mod_wxjs works now with vhosts (Thanks Joris Vandesande)
- Each module must implement wxModule now for initialisation,
only wxJS_InitClass must be exported now.
- curl module introduced
- wxJS_fcgi can be used to run wxJavaScript as FastCGI
- Escape % in wxjs.print
- SpiderMonkey source, NSPR source is now distributed within wxJavaScript source
- Errors can be reported on a webpage in mod_wxjs: wxJS_ReportErrorOnPage
- JavaScript 1.7 is used

Posted by Franky Braem 2008-03-04

wxJS 0.9.72 released

wxJavaScript makes it possible to use JavaScript for writing system scripts, rich client applications and server side scripts together with wxWidgets, sqlite, MySQL, GD, ...

This release contains the following important changes:
- memcached module introduced. Use it for caching data between the execution of scripts.
- moving wxColour, wxColourDatabase, wxSize and wxRect to ext module
- GetFieldRect of wxStatusBar changed to return a wxRect
- Started to make it possible to initialize classes with a JSON object (wxPoint, wxSize for example)
- Add set, decBy, decTo, incBy, incTo and scale to wxSize
- Applied patches 1787384, 1787383, 1787382 and 1787380
- Solved bug 1787322
- mod_wxjs: HttpRequest --> adding properties: unparsedURI, URI, user, parsedURI, methodNumber
- wxHTTP works now without GUI (only in wxJavaScript shell, not in mod_wxjs)
- Solved crash on destruction in wxFileDialog (because of new wxWidgets version)
- load method can be used to load modules dynamically when the script is run
- added escapeHTML, escapeQuotes and escapeShellCmd to mod_wxjs
- Call JS_GC instead of JS_MaybeGC to make sure all objects are gc'ed when a script ends
(this solves the problem with databases that are not closed after running a script)
- tpl: default path is the path of the currently executing script. For the old behaviour pass
script.root to the the engine
- GD module is ready. Create full JPEG, GIF and PNG images in JavaScript!

Posted by Franky Braem 2007-10-23

wxJS 0.9.71 released

This release is a bug fix release (allthough it contains some other changes too)

-tpl: It's possible to set objects and use the properties of the object in a template.
-The wxJS console application can run in interactive mode and can use stdin to receive the script
-Moved wxPoint to ext module
-Solved an encoding problem (caused crashes in mod_wxjs and wxJS)
- include can now be passed an object where variables/functions are attached.

Posted by Franky Braem 2007-07-16

wxJavaScript 0.9.7 released

wxJavaScript started as a porting project of wxWidgets to JavaScript (using SpiderMonkey). But it is a lot more: sqlite, expat, ..., it contains an Apache module for using JavaScript/wxWidgets on the server, ...

This release contains the following changes:

- Switched to wxWidgets 2.8.4
- Using wxWidgets in DLL's now instead of static libraries (remove your obj-directories when
you re-build wxJavaScript on your own)
- wxApp is moved to the console application
- wxTheApp.mainLoop is removed. The wxJavaScript console program enters the mainloop
automatically when a toplevel window is visible. onInit and onExit is still available.
- Expat source is now embedded into the project. It's not necessary to build it on your own
- Expat module uses 'expat' namespace
- mod_wxjs: Added write method on HttpResponse
- wxHtmlLinkEvent was not initialized
- New event handling in GUI module. Now it is possible to remove
an event handler using 'delete'. Internally the event handler uses
Connect/Disconnect methods of wxWidgets.
- wxToolBarTool class added
- Removed getClientData/setClientData methods from wxToolBar. It's not
possible anymore to add a data-object to a tool (Add properties to
wxToolBarTool instead).
- Internally wxClientData is used to prevent wxWindow-classes to get gc'ed
- Every wxWindow class can be created with the 'create' method now
- wxMDIParentFrame, wxMDIChildFrame classes added
- Removed a lot of compiler warnings
- Solved bug 1730754 wxExecute(array, ...) crash (Thanks Philip Taylor)
- Solved bug 1730960 wxFileName.normalize uses incorrect argument (Thanks Philip Taylor)
- Solved bug 1732228 wxMemoryBuffer append leaks memory (Thanks Philip Taylor)
- Solved bug 1733808 Button::Construct typo (Thanks Philip Taylor)
- Added wxSpinCtrl (Thanks Philip Taylor)
- Added wxSpinButton
- Solved bug 1735835 GetHWND breaks Linux compilation
- Solved gcc compatibility problems (Thanks Tom)
- Moved argv to wxTheApp object
- 'wxjs' is a synonym for the global object

Posted by Franky Braem 2007-06-28

wxJavaScript 0.9.6 released

The main goal of wxJavaScript is to port the wxWidgets library to JavaScript. It can be extended with other modules (sqlite, expat, ...), it contains an Apache module for using JavaScript/wxWidgets on the server.

With wxJavaScript you can write system scripts, gui applications or dynamic webpages using JavaScript.

This release contains the following updates:

Introduced namespaces (like used in YUI)
+ tpl (Template module) uses namespace 'tpl'
+ Sqlite uses namespace 'sqlite'
MySQL module introduced
wxHtmlWindow added
Renamed xml module into expat module
sqlite: removed open (use ctor now), close, finalize (automatically done)
db: removed close method (automatically done)
renamed property isOpened to opened
The firstline of the script can contain a shebang now (#!)
mod_wxjs: wxJS_PreScript and wxJS_PostScript directives added

Posted by Franky Braem 2007-03-26

Problem with docs

The doc generation tool failed for wxJS 0.9.5 and 0.9.51. You have to use the website to browse the latest documentation.

Posted by Franky Braem 2007-02-06

wxJS 0.9.51 released

This version is a bug fix release.

Posted by Franky Braem 2007-02-06

wxJS 0.9.5 released

This release has some major changes: The wxjs project files are removed. The wxJS object is also removed and the print, include methods are now defined on the global object. wxJSScript is replaced by the include method.

Posted by Franky Braem 2007-02-04

wxJS 0.9.4 released

wxJS now uses wxWidgets 2.8 and SpiderMonkey 1.6. Also some bugs in mod_wxjs are solved.

Posted by Franky Braem 2007-01-15

Please update your bookmarks! From now on, wxJS has a domain:

Posted by Franky Braem 2007-01-09

wxJS 0.9.3 released

Due to a problem in loading the sqlite and xml modules, a new version of wxJS is released.

Posted by Franky Braem 2006-12-30

wxJS 0.9.2 for Windows released

The main goal of wxJS is to port the wxWidgets library to JavaScript. It can be extended with other modules (sqlite, expat, ...), it contains an Apache module for using JavaScript/wxWidgets on the server.

This release contains the following updates:
- io: solved a bug with wxSocket. wxSocket needs a wxApp now.
- All: An empty string resulted in undefined
- wxStandardPaths is used to find modules.xml
- Introduced new module: tpl, a template engine
- Solved bug 1620648: wxJSScript defines methods/variables on the global object
- Added include method on wxJS
- wxJS methods can be used directly (i.e. wxJS.print can be written as print)

Posted by Franky Braem 2006-12-25

wxJS runs on Ubuntu

Finally, wxJS starts to run on Linux. I'm still working on some details and there's still some testing to do ...

If you would like to try it out. Get the sourcecode from the subversion repository. Read the build.txt in src/wxjs and use premake to generate makefiles.

When you find bugs, please report them on the sourceforge project page. Use the forum to ask questions.

Posted by Franky Braem 2006-12-07


When you use the code from subversion you have to use Premake (which you can find at\) to generate the Visual Studio workspaces. Premake makes it easy to generate makefiles for different platforms.

Posted by Franky Braem 2006-11-17

wxJS 0.9.1 for Windows released

This release is a bugfix release. It solves a bug in mod_wxjs, which had troubles loading the modules.xml file.

Posted by Franky Braem 2006-11-09

wxJS 0.9.0 for Windows released

Today I've released wxJS 0.9.0. for Windows. Most important changes: wxJS uses UNICODE (UTF-16) internally, an SQLite module, dll hell solved on windows, ...

Now it's time to build a Linux - Ubuntu release ...

Posted by Franky Braem 2006-10-24

Welcome on board and other news ...

A great welcome to Jochen Peters as a new developer on the wxJS project. Jochen will be responsible for getting wxJS run on MAC OS.

I'm currently finalizing the 0.9.0 release for Windows. This release will contain the following:

1. A solution for the dependency hell with manifest files and dll's created by Microsoft.
2. A SQLite module
3. Internally wxJS will use Unicode (UTF-16).
4. Several bug fixes.... read more

Posted by Franky Braem 2006-10-24

Next version will support Linux ...

The next version will support Linux. I'm currently trying to build wxJS on Ubuntu with Eclipse/CDT. I hope to release a working version in the near future ...

Posted by Franky Braem 2006-09-08

mod_wxjs in version 0.8.5 fails

There are some problems with mod_wxjs in version 0.8.5 (SpiderMonkey and NSPR crashes). Until the next version of wxJS, I suggest that you use 0.8.4

Posted by Franky Braem 2006-06-25

Website redesign

The project website is redesigned. If you have any suggestions, please let me now.

Posted by Franky Braem 2006-06-20

On-line documentation is ok now

The documentation in the download of version 0.8.5 contains no DOCTYPE in the HTML files. This means that it can't be viewed correctly in Internet Explorer. The on-line documentation is now ok. I recommend to read the documentation at the website.

Posted by Franky Braem 2006-05-30